
When did you start gaining?

Tell us about your gaining, please.
6 years

When did you start gaining?

I had a "weight problem" all my life. Weight going up and down, mostly up if I didn't severely diet. Just about 2 years ago I decided to just let go of the dieting. I put on weight pretty quickly then. I've wavered about if I really want to gain, but I kept going. Now I love how fat I'm getting and want to get a lot fatter.
6 years

When did you start gaining?

I had a "weight problem" all my life. Weight going up and down, mostly up if I didn't severely diet. Just about 2 years ago I decided to just let go of the dieting. I put on weight pretty quickly then. I've wavered about if I really want to gain, but I kept going. Now I love how fat I'm getting and want to get a lot fatter.

You are likely healthier now in mind and body then before when you were dieting.

I think so. My self-image has changed for the better.
6 years