
Manchester, England, United Kingdom  
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
God I feel huge...!
Stufferfoodie 6 months
You are gunna explode if keep on
P34c3432 4 months
You look pregnant. Message me
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
Oops! Looks like I got fat...
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
I was really indulging myself with the booze too... growing a nice fat belly lazing by the pool.
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
This was the view everyone at the pool got... my stuffed, bloated gut.
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
This bikini was starting to feel a little bit small by the end of the trip. I haven't put on that much weight though, have I?
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
It's not my fault the food was so good... and so much of it! I couldn't stop stuffing my face at every meal. And snacks in between.
FeederToFeedee 2 weeks
What a fucking fatty, I'm sure everyone must stare when you wear that bikini, as those thick, doughy curves spill out...noticed yourself jiggling with every step? Anything ripped so far?
FeederToFeedee 2 weeks
Messaged you btw, forgot to say
ReeferHeadWoman 6 months
Went on an all-inclusive holiday and pigged out a bit. Well... a lot.
ReeferHeadWoman 8 months
How many people are into the strongfat look?
Definitely. I love this look.
New forum post
ReeferHeadWoman 9 months
Getting plumper
ReeferHeadWoman 9 months
Would anyone like to see some before and after pictures? I used to be quite slim, but have really enjoyed letting myself go and watching the gain.
Verychubbyte... 9 months
Chuborange 9 months
Yes! Love a juicy before and after, even better if you used to be slim smiley
Supper 9 months
ReeferHeadWoman 9 months
I think i might have fallen into a weight gain spiral
Definitely identify with this! That feeling of "just a bit more, and I'll be fatter/bigger/more stuffed than I've ever been" is very intoxicating.
New forum post
Jahmescohen 10 months
How do you not have a husband who absolutely adores you? That should be a crime that we all have to do time for.
ReeferHeadWoman 1 year
Too much cake, not enough exercise, and the pounds start to pile on...
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