
Can you become very obese just by eating a lot? (without any eating disorders)

Why wouldn't it be?
2 months

Can you become very obese just by eating a lot? (without any eating disorders)

I was wondering if it was possible to reach high grades of obesity just by eating a lot, but without any eating disorder.

i think so... but there's an interesting nuance to your question. i initially went from thin to fat just through normal (if perhaps more frequent) enjoyment of good food and drink, and by reducing (or eliminating, maybe) my exercise routine.

i achieved a "high grade of obesity" during the pandemic, eating more and exercising even less (which i wouldn't have thought possible), mostly out of boredom. i wouldn't consider that an eating disorder, though.

your question caught my attention because a distant family member recently asked me if i had an eating disorder - to which i quickly answered "no." but in thinking about it since, and reflecting on comments from "normies" about my eating habits... by pursuing this lifestyle, have i developed an eating disorder?

i am not sure. i see my doctor in a month, and he may tell me. i was supposed to lose 20 lbs by that visit, but i am up 25 lbs... soooo..... we'll see how that goes! smiley
2 months