Lifestyle tips

Coping with obesity

It seems to me that people who become extremely obese must have challenges when it comes to holding down a job.

How do they do it?

Or do they not have a job? Are they supported by their families or spouses or...? Or are they independently wealthy?

Any stories about how you or people you know have dealt with this would be appreciated.
1 week

Coping with obesity

It seems to me that people who become extremely obese must have challenges when it comes to holding down a job.

How do they do it?

Or do they not have a job? Are they supported by their families or spouses or...? Or are they independently wealthy?

Any stories about how you or people you know have dealt with this would be appreciated.

Question. What do you define as "extremely obese"? That's pretty subjective. I mean, most people would consider the 400 - 600 lbs range as "extremely obese" and most of them have normal jobs.
1 week