Fat experiences

Mindless jiggling

Does anyone find themselves mindlessly touching their fat belly in public out of habit. Lately I’ve caught myself just mindlessly touching my softening middle or giving it a little jiggle in public spaces. It always makes me feel a little embarrassed, but then again it also feels a little exciting. Like wow I’ve totally have conditioned myself to just love my growing body.
2 weeks

Mindless jiggling

I catch my wife doing this all the time sitting on the couch with me watching net flix. A little squeeze and massage of her big lower belly roll - it is soooo cute!
2 weeks

Mindless jiggling

I subconciously have my hand on my belly all the time, thumb resting on my navel and just kneading and jiggling.

It's just a natural instinct lol
1 week

Mindless jiggling

I catch my wife doing this all the time sitting on the couch with me watching net flix. A little squeeze and massage of her big lower belly roll - it is soooo cute!

I have gotten so used to feeling my lower gut at home alone that i forget sometimes and will rest my hand there at work or in public.
its at least as soft as my breasts
1 week

Mindless jiggling

I catch my wife doing this all the time sitting on the couch with me watching net flix. A little squeeze and massage of her big lower belly roll - it is soooo cute!

I have gotten so used to feeling my lower gut at home alone that i forget sometimes and will rest my hand there at work or in public.
its at least as soft as my breasts

That is adorable - have you ever been caught at work?
1 week

Mindless jiggling

That is adorable - have you ever been caught at work?[/quote]

I was caught by a coworker one time grabbing my lower belly while my shirt was riding up. They asked what I was doing and I responded a little too quickly that I had an itch. 😅 I was so embarrassed, but I found it a little funny. I can only imagine what he told the other guys in the office.
1 week