

so, of course there's no surefire way to know someone is into this (or any kinks/fetishes/sexual preferences for that matter) without having 'the talk', but for anyone who has ever had a partner that was also into this, were there any signs? Any situations or occurences that, in hindsight, line up with feedist tendencies?
1 week


Yurpp, playful joking discussions about certain body parts growing. Initially just random stuff...then it became more focused on bellies, waists, button popping etc.

Certain verbiage being used words like "expanding" usually a key sign....ohh and discussion about certain scenes in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory šŸ‘šŸ˜‰
1 week


I don't know if this is exactly what the OP is looking for, but there was one interaction I had with a couple at a bar a few years ago that kind of made me wonder and think.

She was kind of chubby/curvy, though not very large by any means, but her boyfriend was quite fat. And they seemed to be talking about restaurants a good bit.

The woman didn't really say so in so many words, but I got some sort of vibe almost as if she thought I needed to eat more. Granted, that was probably around 50 lbs ago for me, and I never saw them again. I don't know what would happen if she were to see me now, and if she were to remember me.

Both of them were also quite drunk, which of course a double edged sword. While some might end up saying things they might only think but would never say in person under ordinary circumstances, at the same time I kind of think being drunk is a bit of a truth serum which I actually appreciate. Either way, I'm reluctant to read into that too much.

Still, it kind of makes me wonder a bit. Was she a feeder, or an FA? Was her boyfriend always a large man, or did he gain a substantial amount of weight since they started dating? If the way she was talking was any indication, I'd say it's quite possible the latter took place, though not necessarily.

Perhaps a better idea might be to mention food, either just randomly or even when the context isn't necessarily related to food at all.

For example, if you're at a bowling alley or arcade, I expect they might have pizza, nachos, hot dogs, etc. something that's relatively high in calories. Maybe suggest getting some.

If you watch a movie, either at a theater or even at home, suggest snacks.

If you're shopping and running errands, maybe suggest more snacks or getting something from the drive-through just because, even when it's not really one of the main meal times.

If and when you do go out to eat, suggest appetizers and dessert.

You can maybe try to gauge the kind of reactions you get. All sort of little ways that you might be able to suss it out a bit, without being really weird. Just don't be really pushy and push it into being weird.
1 week


To me, a striking contrast couple is a good sign someone is being happily fed to be kept fat. Maybe not purposely eating huge portions daily, but enough to keep a certain and often large figure.

Mine and my wifeā€™s contrast but overall interesting bellies should be a clue we like to keep each other fed well :-)
1 week


Both of them were also quite drunk, which of course a double edged sword. While some might end up saying things they might only think but would never say in person under ordinary circumstances, at the same time I kind of think being drunk is a bit of a truth serum which I actually appreciate.

This is soooo true!

While I had my biggest gut ever my wife and I happened to be on a mini vacation and she never brought up the 45+ pounds I packed on my gut in the last 5 months nor had she discussed her newly fattened figure. As we were dining at a great restaurant, stuffed and quite tipsy with a cocktail each and then a bottle of wine between us, she slide her hand up my shirt and was gently caressing my distended huge gut at the table and then slowly left her hand deep in the crease of my gut with all of itā€™s size and weight wedging it deep underneath it. I was extremely shy being at the restaurant with others around but also very aroused at this somewhat unconventional method by her. After leaving it there for what seemed like - half hour which was probably like two minutes, I said honey ā€œcan you move your hand, itā€™s making me a bit embarrassed with everyone aroundā€. She smiled as she with much effort struggled to pull her hand out with the sheer weight and size of my gut that she hurried it so deep under. She said ā€œthat felt really niceā€ after removing her hand and smiling at me. As we had our Uber drive us back to the resort she proceeded to unbutton her top button in the back seat and said with a deflated voice ā€œIā€™m so stuffedā€ as I looked over and her newly sized pregnant like but still very soft belly poured onto her lap. The rest of the ride back she was gently touching my thigh which as of the past many months really was getting taken up by my huge gut distended on top of them while sitting and she made her way to touching and caressing my huge distended gut and kept saying how great I was Looking.

I was quite aroused all night from this openly fat talking behavior from her. The next morning she was heading out before I fully woke up and asked what I would like her to pick up for me to eat for breakfast being that she was going to get some coffees. I called her if she could buy me some donuts. She asked how many should she get, and I said a dozen good ones. O figured I was going to really overdo things with her to create a lot more fat and weight gain talk amongst us. She returned and put two in my plate. She didnā€™t have any, and as I finished I asked for some more. I was really trying to get my already bloated huge gut to look massive for her to try and get some more sexy fat talk. She came back with one more donut and I ate it right away and got up to grab two more for myself. She saw me and said she was going to hop in the shower. I sat down at the table in the room and tried stuffing as many of the donuts as I could while she was in the shower and then washed it down with a carryon of milk. I ended up getting through eight of the donuts and was completely stuffed and it showed, I then took a a few bites and tore up the remainder of the donuts to look as if I ate even more so when she would come out and see what a fat pig I made of eating all the donuts and all this fattening calories. I decide to have myself up and over into the shower where she was still soaping her self up, I began to slowly maneuvered my hugely fattened gut that felt like it was a massive beach ball sticking a good three feet out in front of me behind her in the shower with it softly pressed into her back. I gently took the soap from her hands and began to soap her back and caress her quite surprisingly newly fattened figure. She was much more reserved today and she didnā€™t even touch my massive gut while she was still in the shower, she then finished and got out to dry while I then soaped and lathered my massive gut with astonishment and huge arousal. As I got out and dried off O wrapped the towel around my lower waist with quite a bit of trouble not having much slack at all to fasten it as I approached back to the bedroom I caught my my side profile in the mirror and I easily looked double my typical size from my bloated stuffing and was amazed that I had not got any reaction from my more vocal appreciate wife from last night.

She had plans for us to sun bath by the pool and all I could think about was what every other couple would be thinking of my physique out there today.
1 week