Well we need to differ between, fantasy and what I find attractive just by looks but with out the “consequences” that come with being very fat!
You hear from time to time that usually fat women complaine about their partners being enoyed by there slowness etc which I think is really unfair u can’t want your women super fat but want her to move like a 125pound bunny … and get annoyed when she needs a rest or u can’t catch that train etc ..
So in real life I like to have a partner that is still able to do stuff and not be to restricted, so I would say from a just objective standpoint I would say bmi little shy of 50 would be my upper limit what I think would still be compatible with what I want from life out side from being a FA!
So that would be 300 pounds for a women with 5 feet 6 inches.
Taking not in account a real life relationship I find women up to 500-600 pound attractive as long as the proportions are in place !
I don’t like when proportions go out of place like very fat caves etc.
10 months