
Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

I never really stuff over long periods of time because I'm worried that I could eat enough to cause health problems.. At least if my body wasn't used to it.

My stuffings are a couple of hours at the longest, and these are usually at buffets so I can't really say... several loaded plates of course.
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

My biggest stuffing ever was probably some time 2 years ago.

First, I went to Cici's and ate about 24 pieces of pizza and 9 cinnamon rolls.
Then, I went to Burger Kind and ordered a King-size triple whopper with fries and an oreo shake
Then I bought three boxes of Little Debbies Zebra Cakes.

And after that I ate dinner with my joke. After this I wasn't hungry for three days. *but I still ate anyway*
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

LOL to this day I can't remember how I managed to eat that much. But I do know that after that I didn't stuff for a long time, heh, but it was awesome XD
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

bmann0413 wrote
OniGumo wrote
My biggest stuffing ever was probably some time 2 years ago.

First, I went to Cici's and ate about 24 pieces of pizza and 9 cinnamon rolls.
Then, I went to Burger Kind and ordered a King-size triple whopper with fries and an oreo shake
Then I bought three boxes of Little Debbies Zebra Cakes.

And after that I ate dinner with my joke. After this I wasn't hungry for three days. *but I still ate anyway*

Dude, that is awesome. I know I can't eat that much, but it'd be great if I could (maybe one day, I will!).

LOL I probably couldn't eat that much anymore, it's been so long since I last stuffed myself like that. But I would definately try to again if I had the chance, just to see if I still had it in me smiley
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

That's still pretty impressive there!

But one of the easiest ways to increase your capacity is to drink lots and lots of water *but do be careful of water-intoxication*. Because it stretches your stomach and filters through your system quickly that makes it an ideal way to help increase the amount you can eat.
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

Buffetbelly wrote
OK, Omi I'm impressed. I've done 22 slices and 2 cinnamon rolls at CiCi's but that was it for me (also had a big salad and 3 sodas). You get the trophy or the ceremonial bottle of extra-strength Tums.

I definately needed the Tums after that about heart burn lol
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

Well I started my gaining 'adventure' yesterday.

1694 excess calories yesterday and 2000 excess calories today. If I can keep it up, I should be 7-8 kg up by the end of the year yay!
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

By 7:30 this evening I had slow-potroasted a 5lb leg of (organic) lamb on top of onions and carrots, and baked 8 potatoes. I was expecting 3 friends for dinner, but their car broke down 150 miles away. So I ate it all myself (except for one potato). I didn't really intend to, but every time I thought I had finished that little inner voice came back: ''just find out what it's like.'' And now I know. Over the years the inner voice has taken me to some places I never thought I'd visit!
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

2, 1/2 loafs of bread and 2 pints of water smiley
14 years

Everyone's biggest stuffing: post your's here!

I've been crazily hungry over the past few days. While I have thus unusually increased appetite, I'm going to try some mega stuffing starting from tonight and over the weekend! So excited!
14 years
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