
Weighing in

< raises his hand smiley
17 years

Weighing in

ez2forget0516 wrote:
It turns me on. Just knowing a girl's weight, I like to start conversation about driver's licenses just so that everybody whips there's out and I get a peek at what the girl's weight on the card.

That's kind of...creepy. Or lame. I can't tell yet.
16 years

Weighing in

I never thought about weighing someone, but I remember that I was sometimes keen on learning some guy's weight. I remember especially that I bought a Japanese magazine on eBay some years ago, and there was the height and the weight of my favorite singer mentioned (in English). I knew immediately that the height was wrong (10 cm higher) because I had met him in real life, but the possibility that his weight could be 79 kg turned me on. I'm sure it was wrong though.
16 years

Weighing in

I remember a beautiful young woman that I knew who would state in no uncertain terms"I love to eat." She was in no way into gaining but she knew it was a possibility. Her freshman year she started at 5'5" 135 with nice curves.December brought 10 new pounds.After some diet attempts in January with her roomates who had gained as well she moved up and down the whole spring semester and landed at the "Freshman Fifteen" and 150 pounds.The summer brought a beach job as a waitress at a restaurant that was known for its buffet.And nearly nightly beer drinking with sunbathing on her days off.When I saw her that August her face was plump and gorgeous.She had just had her physical at her lifelong hometown Doctor.When she found out her weight she had wanted to "sit right down and cry".Without her saying the number I just asked her "how much since high school".25 was the answer.I imagined that nurse putting the big weight on the 100 pound marker and putting the small weight at maybe 40 based on her previous chart.I'm sure my friend was hoping against hope that the balance would be reached at 149. Then the big weight had to be moved to 150 and even that was 10 pounds shy.
I haven't seen her since that day over 18 years ago.I found some friends of hers who told me after 2 kids she has settled in around 180.I bet she is still gorgeous-I know she is.
15 years

Weighing in

Yes, some of my earliest memories of liking chubbier girls as early as elementary school, was ther chubbier faces and chubbier arms as well as there comparitively thicker all together bodies.

I have said it before that my appreciation, love and desire for more weight on the females I like has gone up every year as I have grown older in "Lump's I should say (rather fitting I guess)

But in Jr. high and for sure High school I can remember the scale and knowing a girls weight and especially weighing a girlfriend on a scale was an incredible turn on. For me it has not lost any of the same eroticism. I certainly agree more BBW videos should use the weighing on a scale in a very erotic flirtateous or surprised reaction way!
15 years