Fat experiences

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When I couldn't fit through the old fashioned door of the post office... And me sideways is just as wide. I could feel the doorway drag on my belly and arse at the same time and I couldn't wait to squeeze back out. So hot.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When I first realized I was straining somewhat to get up off the couch or out of a chair. Very humbling and a moment of self realization. "Damn! I'm fat!
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

I had a slightly larger than average lunch at work and the button popped off my pants completely when I relaxed my stomach.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When I was in college, I started getting pretty heavy thanks to a combo of beer and cheap food. I kind of tried to shrug it off at first. Sure, I had a pretty big beer gut, but that was nothing too bad. Certainly not enough to stop me from eating at McDonald's and Subway on a semi-regular basis.

A bit after that, I had gotten noticeably bigger and wider. It wasn't just my belly this time -- it was my butt and thighs, too. Still no big deal, even if my fast food trips had gone from semi-regular to regular. I was far from the only tubby guy around, after all.

Cut to a bit after that. By this point, there was no escaping that I had let myself go big time, and had gotten downright fat. I had to throw out several articles of clothing because they simply didn't fit anymore, and my meal sizes were growing in time with my belly. But even as my moobs and second chin came in, I figured, what the heck -- it's not the end of the world.

Now I'm the type of person who jumbo-sizes just about everything. I figure I'm a bit too far gone for exercise to work now smiley
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

When I was gaining and getting fat the first time (I am not fat right now but gaining some back), I had a few moments. The first was the first time I noticed my belly wobbling around when I drove. I had never really felt that couldn't believe how much it wobbled from every little bump.

Shortly after that when I was taking the bus home from work one night and I noticed the seats were feeling small. I looked up and saw my reflection in the window and was shocked how big I looked and didnt even recognize myself. I had gained 40 lbs in ~3 months, on top of more gradual gaining before that.

Another was when I went couch shopping and I was deciding between a larger and smaller version of similar couches. The larger one had wider, deeper sections. The saleswoman said that I was a big guy and made the smaller couch look tiny, so she just couldn't see me getting comfortable in it, haha.

One last one... I bought bigger size dress clothes for an interview after gaining some, but by the time the interview came they were getting small and I was already bulging out of my dress shirt... that and I popped the button off my jacket just before my first meeting!

I suppose I have many more related to outgrowing my fat clothes, first time feeling out of breath going up a few stairs, seeing pictures of myself...
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

It happened to me once I looked in the mirror and I saw my belly hang gently over the waistband of my shorts. I had watched it get closer and closer over the past few weeks, but that was the moment it finally became a reality.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

The moment that made me think damn I’m fat, was when I made my first trip for clothes shopping for months just recently.

I was way off my correct size! I knew I had gained some weight, but it was hard to suggest if I had bumped up any sizes.

I tried on a pair of (S) rugby shorts and they were like glued to my thighs. They were so tight, I was worried that I was going to break the waistband! My ballooned belly was spilling over the shorts from angles, as if I was wearing a doughnut around my waist and the belly folds were like icing.

And I was shopping with a friend too, and they said that my waistline is really growing, but I said waists do not have lines, they are bellies that are full of cheeseburgers and hot dogs.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

The moment that made me think damn I’m fat, was when I made my first trip for clothes shopping for months just recently.

I was way off my correct size! I knew I had gained some weight, but it was hard to suggest if I had bumped up any sizes.

I tried on a pair of (S) rugby shorts and they were like glued to my thighs. They were so tight, I was worried that I was going to break the waistband! My ballooned belly was spilling over the shorts from angles, as if I was wearing a doughnut around my waist and the belly folds were like icing.

And I was shopping with a friend too, and they said that my waistline is really growing, but I said waists do not have lines, they are bellies that are full of cheeseburgers and hot dogs.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

Recently, I've been going to a donut shop and getting stuck in the booth post binge. I had to ask the lady who works there to help me out. I hadn't been into stuckage before, but it was a very erotic experience.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

For me this happened in two times, one when I tried my old khaki shorts and as i took a seat, the button pop off! The other moment was when i looked myself in the mirror and saw my belly hang and fatter than last year .
6 years
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