
Health at every size

Is there anyone who works in the medical or wellness field that has ideas for how to better implement Health At Every Size systematically? Or is this largely dependent on research that disproves causal links between being fat and noncommunicable diseases?
5 years

Health at every size

I'm going to go ahead and copy something I said in another thread recently:

"Let's not be part of "that" crowd that dismisses commonly accepted medical advice; that's putting yourself in the same category as an anti-vaxxer. What's important to note is that leading a lifestyle that carries health risks is okay. Do what makes you happy, but don't lie to yourself or other people."

We need to shift the discussion away from health effects and towards the philosophy that doing unhealthy things is okay. I regularly find myself a little annoyed with the HaES "movement", because it crosses the line from body positivity to rejection of science.
5 years

Health at every size

Maybe I'm misunderstanding HAES. I thought it was mostly about having healthy habits, like actually exercising regularly and eating healthy and accepting that these things may not be reflected in the way you look

But yeah I guess it does specify "every size"
5 years

Health at every size

I don't think that everyone understands HAES. Basically, it is getting the doctor to treat your problems without blowing you off, and telling you to go on a diet and come back when you are thin. I know one woman who told her doctor that she wanted to be as healthy as she could at the size she was at. Feedees are quite different from most large size people, but make up a very tiny percentage. For most large size people, diets do more harm than they do good. The typical lose ten pounds and regain fifteen over and over again until someone is super size. The body tends to adjust its metabolism downward to accommodate reduction in food intake. There are no diseases that only large people get, so there is no reason a doctor should guarantee weight loss will automatically cure a problem.
5 years