
Liquid calories vs solid food

Hi Y'all,

Ok so I'm going to be kicking my WG into over drive shortly, had a rather unpleasant stint of being un-well and am keen to get my stretch marks back to a rosy red smiley

Recenty though I've been wondering... High calorie high fat liquids Vs high calorie high fat solid foods?

Personally I think I can get a overall higher amount in via liquids but will my efforts be in vain? Am I better of with solid foods? Is there a discernible difference. Or is calories-calories and fat-fat?

12 years

Liquid calories vs solid food

Thanks for replies. Im not planning only consuming exclusively one or the other. A mixture of both. Like my main 3 meals will be solids I guess but I plan to stuff/snack in between with liquids.

As a direct reply to hindenpeter, thanks for that mate. And typically I'd say your right. However the liquid I plan to consume is a medical formulation for the Mal nourished or those that have a medical reason that prevents them from eating solids ir. A throat cancer victim etc, anyways this stuff I plan to take is designed to be lived off. It has all the nutrional requirements.

It's designed to be very efficient. High nutritional value in as little a volume as possible. It 1cal per ml I think and has a super high fat content.

Please any other comments welcome??

12 years