
Bowl full of jelly?

Contrary to popular belief,the average weight gain during the holiday season is actually about 1lb. I guess the media grestly exaggerates these claims to get you to buy a gym membership in January. However, the heavier you are the more likely you are to gain more (according to the study). So yes, the holiday season is the best time to eat without people nagging about going over the limit. Plus, with the holiday dinners there's always plenty to eat. So go ahead an enjoy the season ^__^
9 years

Bowl full of jelly?

MandyGal wrote:
Well I guess I'm in for it! Lol. I am heavier, but I seem to have exceeded the average. Five pounds in the last week with 9 days left of this calorie laden season. I don't have a goal but am interested to see how much I passivly gain at the rate I'm plumping up!

5 lbs in a week is pretty impressive! How have you managed to eat so many calories??
9 years

Bowl full of jelly?

I'm surprised the average weight gain is only a pound. Last year I gained around five pounds. I enjoyed every once. I want to gain about the same this year. I went to 215 last year, this year's goal is 220. I love all the Christmas treats (see my photos)so, to all Merry Christmas and a great appetite!
9 years