
Large (lol) gamer population?

It does seem to kind of be that way.
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

I'm a gamer by every definition. I've got several game systems and am a huge fan of Atlas, Bethesda, and the Tales series. I'm a huge fan of Shadowrun and RPGs in general. I'm also a huge board game nerd, to the point that I run the board game area at my local anime convention.
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

Gaming is practically my life. I'm not sure what causes the apparent relationship between gaming/nerdiness and a fetish community such as this. But I can say, coming from the furry community, that it's quite similar in that fandom at well, for whatever reason.
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

Its not surprising that a fetish built around getting fatter would gravitate toward a sedentary hobby like gaming. It encourages hours of sitting in one place and pairs well with snacking. I'd imagine we probably have a healthy community of readers too. Both give lots of hours of entertainment for a single fee so it also minimizes the blow to budgets that could be spent on more food
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

I'm a gamer and techie myself. xD (I'm actually a Tech Member over at Sonic Retro btw. xD) I love retro gaming the most, but I have a Wii U and a PS4 for modern games too. My favorite hobby of mine is ROM hacking, and I love to hack the Sega Master System Sonic games. xD
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

I grew up gaming, starting with Holmes Basic D&D back in 1979. Since then I've played just about every form of game under the sun, adding casino games to the resume just last weekend.
8 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

It's allways seemed to me that there is some huge correlation between FF and gaming. I've never been into gaiming, I'd rather read (Internet or paper books) or do real things (as opposed to virtual) so maybe it's more obvious to me like sin to a fundamentalist Christian.

Gaming hides you appearance ( you may be proud of being fat, but others still judge) and allows, if not encourages, a sedentary lifestyle, but that would not seem to explain it.
7 years