
How do you feel being bigger

I am the same... I used to be thin and fit, then gained a lot of weight. The first 30-40 lbs didnt affect dating much for me. I carry it well. But one or two people I dated definitely didnt want me to gain anymore and were even concerned at times. It wasnt until I was in another relationship that I gained another 50 lbs, and she didn't really even notice, or at least she didn't say anything. So I haven't really dated at my heaviest, but I can tell that I attract less looks when out. That said, sites like these make me confident that there are many people that don't mind about weight or are into it. Bottom line: I enjoy being fat and eating what I want, and any date needs to appreciate that too smiley
7 years

How do you feel being bigger

From what I have seen, very attractive women who have gained a little weight have had a harder time finding someone, But someone who has either gained a lot of weight, or has always been big has few problems finding someone.

The only thing, is that you can't be on the fence (if you want to find someone). Some women come here stating that they plan to lose a lot of weight. Most men have a weight preference one way or the other, and are probably less interested in someone who may end up very thin or very fat, but are not sure which. I know it is not politically correct, but there has to be a physical attraction before there is a mental attraction.

I agree with what most people have said. Be true to yourself, decide what you want to be, be confident about it, and then find someone who is physically attracted to you and becomes mentally attracted to you.
7 years