Lifestyle tips

Is it worth it to gain?

Whenever I read the stories, it sounds so hot. I love seeing the progression and hearing people talk about the jiggling etc. However, I like the weight distribution on women way more than that of men. Men are often less jiggly and get those beer guts that I'm just not into (personal preference). If I wanted to gain, I'd want to be jiggly with big thighs as well. I already have a bit of a big ass due to working out, so idk if my fat destribution goes there or not. I'm worried that if I do try to gain, that it hurts my working out progress or that I get loose skin if I don't like being fat. Furthermore, I only see the positives of being fat portrayed, not so often the struggling parts, so I'm scared that I glorify it without fully understanding how it is.

How do I cope with both wanting to do it and not wanting to do it?

I don't think my gf is into me becoming fat either (though she did say that she'd like swole people, right now I'm muscular but skinny/lean) , so it's kinda tough!
2 years