Fat experiences

Adorable gluttony

I know she's a big hungry fatty- but last night she did something that impressed me.

She came over...and started eating food right off my plate! She began eating MY dinner after finishing hers, just taking handfuls of my own food!

She was so sweet about it though, "I'm so sorry but I'm just SO HUNGRY, can I have some of yours?" Of course I was like "OMFG YES, poor girl needs to be kept well fed!"

It didn't end there. She immediately said she wanted cake and ice cream. What flavor? Yes flavor. Every flavor. So I went out into the night to buy her cake and ice cream.

Not before teasing her a little.
I told her she needed so much more food to keep her satisfied because she was so obese.

Her- "Yeah haha I know right?! Get me cake and ice cream quickly!"

Holy crap I am so proud of this fatty.
1 year