Amy the hairdresser

chapter 18

Over the following eight months both Amy and Sarah gained a significant amount of weight. Amy had plumped up to 830 pounds, and Sarah was closing in on the 600 mark, weighing in at 595 pounds. Sarah loved her new body, and fully intended on getting fatter, with the extra challenges presented by her weight being more of a turn on than a turn off. She would roll around the kitchen on a custom made office chair, cooking (and ordering) tons of fattening food for her and Amy to enjoy.

"Oh my goodness, Amy, look at my tummy!" Sarah said, fondling and jiggling her own big belly in their bedroom mirror.

"I know, seriously! I keep tellin' ya, you get any bigger we're gonna be in trouble!" Amy joked.

"Oh, stop it! Just a few more pounds, then I'll see how I feel at 600..."

"I'm just joking, baby. Come over here and feed me."

Truthfully, Amy thought every extra pound Sarah put on made her that much sexier. Watching her balloon up along with her was more sexually satisfying than she'd anticipated. She found herself getting worked up whenever Sarah would get out of breath taking care of her, which was happening more and more the bigger she got. Feeling her fat against hers in bed never failed to turn her on, and they'd spend hours fondling each other's fat while they stuffed themselves.

Day in and day out of constant stuffing had stretched Amy's stomach out even more, increased her appetite, zapped her energy levels, and fattened her up quite a bit. She'd grown used to being spoiled and pampered, never having to lift a finger or exert herself in the slightest. She was really beginning to feel her weight as she got fatter and fatter. She had no motivation to do anything but eat, drink, and sleep, even breathing was beginning to get difficult. Her big, swollen, obese, belly bulged out in front of her, spilling out well past her knees and threatening to swallow up her calves and ankles with each extra pound. She was so heavy, so enormously fat, but genuinely happy, happier than she'd been in years.

"Mmmm!! All done! Good job, sweetie! Goodness, that's over four pounds of bacon you've put away this morning!" Sarah gushed.

"Is there any more?" Amy grunted.

"Of course, baby, there's plenty more!!! Oh you're such a good piggy!"

Sarah tickled Amy's double chin before gathering up all her dirty dishes.

"It's gonna take me a minute to fry up more bacon, love. What can I get you in the mean time?" Sarah asked Amy.

"Bring me a box of Lucky Charms."

"You got it!"

Sarah fetched Amy a family sized box of Lucky Charms and a gallon of whole chocolate milk. Amy dumped cereal down her throat straight from the box, chasing it with milk straight from the gallon. Amy loved cereal, and could easily put away five giant boxes in a single sitting, or more if she didn't drink milk with it. She wasn't afraid to get messy while she ate, either, spilling crumbs, oats, and marshmallows tumbling down her big belly. Droplets of chocolate milk dribbled down each side of her mouth as she chugged from the gallon. Just as she finished her cereal, Sarah hurried back in with her bacon.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! EAT!!! God Amy you're getting so fucking FAT, I love it!!!" Sarah growled.

"Feed me, I'm sick of doing it myself." Amy said, half joking.

"Oh I love what a big, fat, lazy, hungry, piggy you've grown into, Amy!!! C'mon, open up!"

Sarah picked up three similar-sized slices of bacon and stuffed them into Amy's mouth, getting grease all around her mouth and on her own fingers in the process.

"Isn't that yummy?" Sarah asked as Amy chewed.
Amy just nodded quickly as she gobbled down the bacon.

"More..." Amy grumbled.

"Yes ma'am!" Sarah said, feeding Amy a few more strips. They were especially long strips this time, and Amy left a few scraps as she bit into them. Before she even chewed the initial bites, she opened her mouth again, and Sarah shoved the last bites inside her mouth. Amy drew exasperated breaths through her nose as her cheeks puffed outward and she struggled to chew all the food in her mouth.

"Y'know what would be really sexy...?" Sarah asked shyly.

"Hm?" Amy grunted.

"If you'd chew with your mouth open. Just be a big, fat, greedy, shameless, gluttonous, piggy for me. Please?"

Amy gulped down the last of her gallon of chocolate milk.


"I think I can do that." Amy said, smiling.

Amy chewed with her mouth open, the sounds of her chewing and lips smacking filling the room as she gorged endlessly in bed. She'd belch, fart, and grunt shamelessly, not even acknowledging them when they happened, she was far too preoccupied with her eating. As her chewing slowed and her bites became more deliberate, Sarah thought she might finally be getting full. She fed Amy the last few strips one at a time, and Amy actually seemed to savor them this time as she slowly stuffed them down her gullet.

"Atta girl!" Sarah said as she slid the last strip into Amy's mouth. She jiggled Amy's belly and picked up a handheld vacuum she used to pick up all the crumbs. Then she took a wet nap and wiped Amy's face, chins, and cleavage clean of grease and crumbs. She took Amy's heavy breathing and tired eyes to mean she was finally satisfied, at least for now. She turned around and went to put her dishes in the washer.

"I'm still... hungry..." Amy moaned.

"You are?! What can I get you, love?" Sarah asked, pleasantly surprised.


"Sure thing!"

Sarah was relieved that Amy was craving such an easy snack, it meant she finally had a free moment to wash the dishes and prepare for her next true meal. She brought Amy her family sized bag of Cheetos and watched as she tore it open with gluttonous lust, stuffing a handful into her mouth and coating her fat fingers with orange dust.

"Thanks..." Amy grumbled, her mouth full as she adjusted her bed and surfed the channels.

"Don't mention it, love." Sarah replied.

"I'm gonna want pizza after this, just so you know."

"Of course! Meat lover's?"

Amy nodded.

"I'll order them now."

Amy's bank account was essentially a limitless resource for both girls, regardless of how much they ate. Between the two of them their daily food bill was in the hundreds of dollars, and only getting higher. But the money from Amy's salons kept pouring in, so much so that the exorbitant food bills were like a drop in the bucket. As Sarah got fatter she found herself depending more and more on fast food and takeout to satiate herself and Amy. It was so much easier than cooking for herself, and gave her more time to clean up after Amy.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Yuri33 5 years
Koudelka 6 years
One of the best stories I've read in a while.

I love how you deal with the girl's fatness - how they are so eager to get fatter and accept immobility and all the other issues just to get bigger and bigger.
And I love that you chose a more slow g
Sarahmckenney 6 years
Would love her to go back and see aunt Mandy!
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...sloppy, kiss, and quickly cleaned up without saying a word after. Just before she left Amy’s room she blew her a kiss and said goodnight, leaving Amy slightly dumbfounded and very horny…
Taylormadexxl 6 years

Amy closed her eyes and Sarah quickly cleaned her face, then went in for a surprise kiss. Amy’s eyes bulged open in shock, but it was so spontaneous that she just went with it. Sarah relieved tons of sexual tension in the wet, slo
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a good story. You are very descriptive. But, I am not sure I would have had her have a heart attack.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Tweaked the ending to be a bit less of a boner-killer, lol. More to come soon guys. Thanks!