Expectations exceeded

Chapter 29 Weighing in

Dawn of the final day. Saturday the 30th of April 2022 was the end of an era in many ways

With our "little" challenge finished but one day away from the big weight reveal Rachel and I were on a strange state of calm before the storm.

That doesn't mean that our day was any less full of indulgences. It was still April at the end of the day, so Rachel still stuffed her face silly with loads of pasta for lunch, with a huge tray of brownies as dessert and she ate 56 pieces os sushi for dinner, topped up by our trusty mass gainer. All an all, 10.000 cal easy.

But nonetheless, there was a feeling of loss in a strange way, the feeling that we were reaching the end of and era, but also the excitement of new things to come.
We went to sleep knowing full well that everything would change the next day, but fully embracing it, the same way I embraced Rachel's huge stuffed belly from behind while I spooned her in bed.

The sun rose on Sunday the 1st of May and I rose with it. Rachel was still snoring loudly at my side and I knew she wouldn't wake up for a a few more hours, too much too digest still.
I cleaned the house form top to bottom, finding in the process an indecent amount of food wrappers and fast food boxes and struggling to get of all the grease stains from the couch.
By 11 or so I finished tidying up and I went to the nearest Tesco to buy a cake. I was about to get my usual triple layer chocolate cake but I stumbled upon a seasonal treat that was meant for mother's day but that it was really calorie dense. I've got it written down to this day. It was millionaire shortbread cake, 523 kcal per serving, 24 servings. That's a whooping 12,552 calories, not bad at all.

I came back home and I could hear some noises coming form the bedroom, Rachel was certainly waking up.
I went in to find her still in bed but slowly moving towards the bedside. Her massive boobs and her belly were moving uncontrollably to the sides with each movement, it was hypnotic. She finally got to the side and swung her legs across, one at the time, as her cellulite riddle legs must weight easily 90 pounds each.
Then, she moved her upper body upwards in an attempt to build enough momentum to finally stand up.
It was like seen her for the first time. You sometimes get so accustomed to someone's size that you don't realize anymore how enormous they truly are, but that morning I really saw it. I was speechless, so much so that I could only take a picture.

Rachel looked at me knowing very well how impressed I was and though she was still half asleep, she waddled straight into the bathroom and took the scale.
"Let's find out, shall we?" She said grinning.

I genuinely didn't know what to expect. She had been 374 pounds on April 1st a whole month ago, so long ago and yet so close.
My idea with this whole thing had been to finally push her towards the 380 pounds that she had agreed to reach and maybe, only maybe to gain a couple more pounds along the way. I thought that realistically, with the way she had been eating, she could even be 383 pounds, but Rachel was a slow (if steady) gainer.

My mind was racing still when Rachel stood on the scale.



It was the longest pause. So long even Rachel looked down to see whether there was something wrong.
Funny enough, the second she tried too look, the scale started talking:

"..It's... four.... hundred.. and .. two point .... three... pounds"


Note: Going through the pictures on my phone, I found the one I took that very morning of the weigh in. It's on my pictures. You're welcome
33 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 month
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Secretpassenger 3 weeks
What a great story! I can not wait for a update
Pucciarello 1 month
nice update!
HappyBigBelly 1 month
Love the update, however quick-hitting and all. So she’s still above 400 pounds, sweet! :-)
Pucciarello 2 months
Epic. Happy for you both
Yeyeyiyo 2 months
that’s an incredible gain! looking forward to know if she kept growing
Pucciarello 4 months
had been dying for an update
Luisapio 4 months
Sorry, I got a bit caught up with life but I'll try to catch up now. Rachel had a bit of a "growth spurt" recently and I want to get to that.
Pucciarello 3 months
That sounds amazing. Can't wait to hear about it
Pucciarello 8 months
looking forward to more!
Yeyeyiyo 8 months
Incredible story, really hoping for an update
Pucciarello 10 months
great update!
Pucciarello 10 months
Fantastic update!
Pucciarello 12 months
Great update! Looking forward to the rest!
Pucciarello 1 year
the wait is killing me
Pucciarello 1 year
looking forward to see where this goes!
Pd500 1 year
Chapter 14 really opens the door for more!
Pucciarello 1 year
exceptionally hot. jesus
Pd500 1 year
Love ❤️ this!
Pucciarello 1 year
Theswordsman 1 year
I think you probably had a few slip ups but tried to stay on the straight and narrow