
Skinny days?

I remember back when I was much bigger there were times where I felt so big and the very next day I felt much smaller. sometimes it had to do with being sluggish and packed with more food, but I know what you mean.

On a different note....not sure if this applies but I am very much into my wife gaining and there are times that are only days apart where she looks way to skinny to me and then all of a sudden the following day or so she is wearing something and she looks totally fatter to me like she gained all this fat over night or something.

I guess it could be a few, food intake, bloating and perseption based on what I am comparing it to.
13 years

Skinny days?

PaulUK wrote:
I get both fat and skinny days. Sometimes I think ugh I'm too skinny... all this overeating and calories consumed and I've not gained a thing. Then later in the day I can be sat and notice my moobs on my belly and then I think oh I am fat!

It can be frustrating at times though.
13 years