
Favorite marvel movie and why?

Playstation360 wrote:
Mine is Elektra, Jennifer Gardner portrayed as nearly heartless and talented and brutal is pretty amazing

Really don't get how anyones favourite could be Elektra, I just remember it being rather dull, but then what do I know.

My favourite would be between the first couple of Spider-Man movies, with the first couple of X-Men ones coming after that.
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

Ask me next year, so I can say Avengers smiley
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

bellybeer wrote:
I love how they do little cameos and in jokes in the films. The Punisher in Spiderman 2

when? I know they mention Doctor Strange, but can't remember anything about punisher
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

"I need a horse!"
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

You've all forgotten Blade!! How dare you!

As you may be able to guess from the above I'm going to say Blade, the original too btw. And my reasoning here is because it's wonderfully dark and macabre. One of my favorite scenes is the slaughter house party.

But also I have to show some love for Thor, "I like this drink!" *smashes coffee mug* "ANOTHER!!"
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

OniGumo wrote:
You've all forgotten Blade!! How dare you!

As you may be able to guess from the above I'm going to say Blade, the original too btw.

I could never forget Blade, it is a fine film.

Although technically the first Marvel movie was Howard The Duck, but it probably should be forgotten.
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

[/quote] I could never forget Blade, it is a fine film.

Although technically the first Marvel movie was Howard The Duck, but it probably should be forgotten.[/quote]

yes Howard was the first marvel film, but blade was the first SUCCESSFUL marvel film
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

smiley smiley smiley
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

I think they're going for Mandarin in the 3rd film - having his presence felt throught (with the 10 rings gang, releasing Whiplash in Monaco)

thought to be fair, he isn't the easiet character to update for a modern audience
12 years