
Who uses pof/other dating site

I am on other dating sites but i never mention feederism to anyone i meet or talk to. Although i love this fetish it doesnt have to be part of a relationship to me. Of course if i could find someone i clicked with that also had these thoughts itd be great but if not i will still talk to them, i can always fantasize about it by myself. i have my picture up on these dating sites so people can see im not exactly slim and slender, so i assume the people who initiate conversation are attracted to what they see or are indifferent to the weight of a person.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I have both, I've met a few people, but only clicked with one, though she was moving to Florida in a few months for school so it didn't work out. For the people talking about creeps and such, you're bound to run into them anytime you date new people, just have to move on and keep meeting new people until you find someone.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I think went on a few... POF may've been one of them

The favourite one I found when I was doing all that was OK cupid... pretty good for a freesite.

Like I said, that was mainly part of a phase I'm now over... though I do check up on them now and then.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

[quote]mini boo wrote:
im on both but still no luck for me smiley[/quote

I'm on POF,according to the new rules imposed by the webmaster,I cannot message you as you are out of the permitted age range.
It is acceptable for a 30 year old lady to date a guy in his 40s if she so wishes,If I were 35 and the female was 18 then I agree it would be frowned upon,but the big fish is spoiling it for quite a few folks.smiley
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

Good luck, if you are honest. I posted about feederism being OK if it's between two consneting adults, and someone did not like it. Since POF has only one employee, and his aim is selling advertisments, if anyone complains, the computer software deletes the account and bans that email for life.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I am on both sites but I haven't really been going on there as much lately. I remember one girl who I talked to off of POF decided to stop talking to me after I told her that I didn't have wheels (She considered that a deal breaker, which I understand, but it's stupid how the revelation destroyed all interest she had in me). Another one I met last December and we went to a movie together and after that, we never met but still talked and I tried to set up a second date but she was always booked for something. I remember telling her that I am rather patient and the last thing she said to me was "Don't wait for me, you'll find someone who has time."

I am talking to a single mother who I met on POF right now who is also a few years older than me.

There are some annoyances when I do try talking to a woman. I know guys trip about getting no responses, but believe me, getting no responses is a lot better than getting responses out courtesy and politeness. The kind of responses that are brief and vague and don't add anything to a conversation. I try asking some questions and the responses are just so brief and they aren't open to continuing a conversation. With those women, I figure that I am wasting my time.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

penelopez wrote:
I have never used another site but once threw a Craigslist ad out there that was very up-front and all I got was rude responses like "what's wrong with you" and even more responses where they thought I was posting the ad as some kind of joke. It actually got flagged pretty quick. What's crazy is that I'm near San Francisco so the gay community is huge here and you would think people would be more accepting of different tastes..but the acceptance thing is really just an illusion.

Believe me, I wasted years not being up front about it with men and never got what I wanted because when I would finally tell them about my "thing" they'd be all uncomfortable about it and get scared away. I feel bad for anyone who I may have lead on in the past because I was just trying to figure out if they'd like it without the awkwardness of asking.

Now I just tell people like if a skinny guy hits on me-and dammit I don't know why the skinny guys always seem to like me while the big boys generally don't seem to be interested at all-ill say "oh thanks I'm flattered but I only like fat guys" believe me, it's worth it to get a funny look or be treated strange for being honest, just to weed out the people who will no doubt waste your time and their own. Maybe not put it right on your profile but make sure you mention it early. You shouldn't have to settle for less than you want anyway so it will help you narrow down to only people who will really excite you.

You seem pretty attractive, and the world is brainwashed that only "in Shape" guys can get the attractive women. It's good that you have your preference and that you are honest about it.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

I have an ad on POF and have tried Craig's List. Honestly, neither have produced meaningful results. In fact one very odd thing I have noticed is that 90% of the replies I have gotten from POF have been from either I attract teachers or there are lots of teachers on that site.

I even placed an ad on this site thinking that this was the perfect place to find my perfect woman but have had no luck here either.

On whatever site I place an ad on, I feel it is important to be upfront about your preferences. I always make it very clear that I find larger women to be more attractive, but at the same time I also make it clear that looks are not the first thing I look for in a woman. It really doesn't matter how attractive someone is if they are not compatible with you on other more meaningful levels.

It is very hard to find the right person....even harder for certain groups of people. Thanks to the internet and great sites like this it has become much easier for BBWs and BHMs to make connections with partners but I have noted that it is usually a "criss-cross" match (BBW wants a slim/buff man or vice-versa). I personally keep finding myself disappointed as a BHM by rejection from BBWs who only date slender men. But I suppose that is all part of the daily struggle we must all endure called life. :-)

At any rate I hope we can all find happiness in the embrace of our Mr. or Ms. Right one day.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

amidsttundra wrote:
LyteWing wrote:
Thanks to the internet and great sites like this it has become much easier for BBWs and BHMs to make connections with partners but I have noted that it is usually a "criss-cross" match (BBW wants a slim/buff man or vice-versa). I personally keep finding myself disappointed as a BHM by rejection from BBWs who only date slender men. .

The internet doesn't make the world physically closer. I've met a few girls from sites like these, but I'm lucky if they're on the same continent. I'm sure the perfect girl is out there, but probably thousands of miles from my current destination... POF was never the place I thought I'd meet the "perfect" girl.

Agreed, that is why I just said that it made it easier to make a "connection" and used it in the general form. Though I am sure most would prefer a physical connection, when that is not possible for one reason or another any form of connection is better than nothing. Besides, I am of the mind that you have to make an emotional and/or mental connection to a person before a physical connection becomes viable.
11 years

Who uses pof/other dating site

For people who get deleted on Craig's List, and other sites: You can use phrases that other feeders/feedees understand, but goes over other people's heads.

Phrases Like: Seeking a growing friendship, looking for someone who is seeking to GAIN self-respect,etc. Or just say you are 250 pounds and gaining.
11 years
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