
Weird thing...?

prob sounds odd but i like a woman with bright/2tone hair or ice blue eyes type of thing
11 years

Weird thing...?

Maybe not "weird" but girls with black hair and icy blue eyes. It helps if they're really pale too.
11 years

Weird thing...?

A well-dressed woman. I can't resist a woman in a good hat.
11 years

Weird thing...?

For some reason I prefer women who are quite feminine yet, contrary to stereotype, tough and smart.
11 years

Weird thing...?

Reaperman wrote:
AskDrFeeder wrote:
For some reason I prefer women who are quite feminine yet, contrary to stereotype, tough and smart.

How is that a weird thing? You're basically saying you like intelligent, confident women.

Yeah, maybe it isn't, idk.
11 years

Weird thing...?

I've thought of one, long fingernails. I don't really think of myself as a masochist but...a firm yet light scratch from a girl with long fingernails (I'm talking manicured and well cared for) just sends chills all over my body.
11 years

Weird thing...?

I love seeing a woman show "butt cleavage" or her butt crack peeking out from her pants. smiley smiley
10 years