
A question for the ladies

So, for all you beautiful women here, I've a question; how would you prefer your belly to be?

Would you prefer a huge, sexy, perfectly rounded and swollen potbelly, making it look like you swallowed a beach ball?

Or several lumps of soft, sexy, jiggly warm flabby fat?

Or, if you simply don't care, what is your belly like now? smiley
8 years

A question for the ladies

Oh, yes! Without a doubt! Potbellies are so sexy, but I just love flabby bellies so much! It was hard for me to chose between the two as a favorite smiley
8 years

A question for the ladies

I have a flabby "spare tire" belly as I call it, I'd like a round potbelly if I could have one smiley
8 years

A question for the ladies

A soft and fluffy belly.
8 years

A question for the ladies

I must say playing with my lady's double belly is the highlight of waking up. smiley Her extra belly roll is from having two kids, of course, but it's so soft and inviting.
8 years

A question for the ladies

Your belly is intoxicating. Absolutely intoxicating.
8 years

A question for the ladies

Most women on here have a round smooth belly which people seem to perfer. Mine is double, (with a crease at the naval). I covet the round dome ones :-(

Saaaame smiley
8 years

A question for the ladies

Yeah, it feels like not many people like the double belly anymore which is a shame. I personally prefer my double belly and the soft hanging fat I have, but it seems to be a small majority lately.

Love your double belly. But everything about you is pretty hot.
8 years

A question for the ladies

Agree smiley
Yeah, it feels like not many people like the double belly anymore which is a shame. I personally prefer my double belly and the soft hanging fat I have, but it seems to be a small majority lately.

Love your double belly. But everything about you is pretty hot.
8 years

A question for the ladies

I like soft and squishy , and though I'm not fond of my stretch marks ,I can't help but to find them near to play with.

Stretch marks are badges of honor in my book, kind of like getting a cool scar by fighting off a grizzly bear. What do you do to play with them?
8 years
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