
Double chins?

I like double chins on women as it is a sign of them gaining and being fatter. Although I don't like when I get a double chin.

I think it is kind of a thing that the individual is more critical on themselves typically
8 years

Double chins?

I think the thing about double chins is that you can't cover them up or disguise them!
8 years

Double chins?

Huge fan (ha!) of double chins here. Triple chins, too. I'm just starting to see a double chin on myself, and I have to say I'm digging it. Makes me feel even fatter. smiley
8 years

Double chins?

I enjoy them on others. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed by what others thought of mine once it appeared, but I really like it too.
8 years

Double chins?

Personally, I LOVE double chins. . .I think they make a face look softer, rounder, more appealing. . .I'm not the only one, I'm sure there will more posts here extolling their appeal smiley.

A family friend said to me that you're face is fat; but still you have a pretty face.
8 years

Double chins?

I like it because it is a clear sigb of fatness. You can tell someone likes their food if they have one!

To me it's a sign of fatness. I definitely have a double chin. Not ashamed of it.
7 years

Double chins?

My double chin has always brought me the most embarrassment. I just want to know how everyone feels about them.

Double chins denote pulchritude, something we FA's adore. When I see just a facial picture of a woman with a double chin, I try to imagine what the rest of her looks like, all the while assuming (and hoping) she must be fat. So I love em'. Besides, it's very hard to get fat without them tagging along.
7 years