
Gaining and laziness?

It's almost a cliché that people get lazier as they get fatter, but how true is it? (Feeders can answer these questions for their partners if they wish).

1. Have you gotten lazier as you've gained?

2. Has the laziness been helpful at all? I mean sometimes people are conflicted about gaining because it will make certain things too difficult...but then when they do get fat they find they're too lazy to even want to do those things. Has this happened to you? Examples?
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

I got much lazier. I completely stopped exercising and didn't want to walk short distances even. I used to be very active and ran a lot. Now, instead of walking even to the grocery store two blocks away like I used to, I just drove, filled up the car with food, and ate immediately when getting home. I guess I actually cooked less too and instead opted for restaurant meals. I also started using the elevator for one floor instead of taking the stairs because I would get of breath. I remember once jogging across the street to beat a car and was breathing heavy, with my fat rolling around haha. In general, I just liked sitting around more, watching more TV, etc.

I loved being lazy and getting fat, so in that sense it was helpful and fell right along with my goals
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

I know I've gotten a lot lazier as I've grown fatter. I've always been lazy though and was kind of looking forward to it. About the only time I break a sweat anymore is when I drive, because my AC doesn't work.
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

I know I've gotten a lot lazier as I've grown fatter. I've always been lazy though and was kind of looking forward to it. About the only time I break a sweat anymore is when I drive, because my AC doesn't work.
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

Definitely got lazier! I analyzed this with both myself and my wife.

When I accidentally gained and then Intentionally kept was almost like one fed off the other (no Pun intended)....while I ate so much I just to full and was very lazy. I put things off and basically gave up the gym for several 3-4 months. As i was always so stuffed after eating I did more TV watching and actually planned out my next meal. This is very obvious with my wife when she starts to gain weight she really starts allowing herself more sweets and junk food which she tries to stay away from and never would she eat fast food and many times a week after she has gained a good amount of weight she asks to go to In n out or etc. for burgers and fries and even throws in a shake once and a while.

I have witnessed first hand with both of us that gaining weight leads to eating more junk food and fatty food in general....until it gets to the point of a way bigger appetite and then we almost crave all those fattening things...Fat leads to more Fat...and more and more eating.
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

Sooooo lazy. At first, the laziness was just a result of being stuffed all the one wants to be on their feet or running around after a big meal. Becoming a couch potato must have had an effect because the pounds piled on fast and now, I'm even lazier because I've gotten so big that getting dressed in the morning alone has become a workout. I haven't been to the gym in months and I rely heavily on delivery services because I'm too lazy to lug groceries home from the market or slave over a stove. I used to be pretty active before I started gaining: constantly going out with friends, happy hour with coworkers and even playing flag football on the weekend but now I blow them off pretty regularly for some couch time and/or good food. Being on my feet just requires too much effort.
8 years

Gaining and laziness?

Finally Fat:
The wife and I have been quite lazy. We eat in our recliners together.

She can spend 90% of her day reclining and full.

I get up to cook and bring her her favorite treats. I do errands too. When I return there she is, empty plate/glass/chips bag by her side.

She has been on a wonderful binge since winter. Her eating is so fat! I eat with her, because it's sex to fatten together. But I can't keep up. She eats 50% more than I do.

She's growing very fat. Likely 360+- now and a big ongoing gain. She just went to 5x pants. Had to change her entire wardrobe.

Yeah, she's a perfect piggy wife but in the long run now, it's her laziness- almost inertia, that has kept her billowing these 20 years.

You two are living the life! smiley
8 years