
I became a fat person

I have gained fifteen pounds in the last year or two. I feel fatter, bending over is a pain and clothes are getting tight. That's as fat as I have "gained", but I'm getting there.
9 years

I became a fat person

For most of my life I was a fat person trapped in a thin person's body. I fantasized about being fat but could never seal the deal. But over the last couple years, I've managed to completely transform not only my body but my mind. In my spare time, I just laze about and eat. When I'm not eating, I'm thinking about eating. I feel hungry almost constantly--even when I'm full!

I'm totally committed now, since there's pretty much no chance of ever going back to a 'normal' weight again.
9 years

I became a fat person

I eat like 4 meals of fast food and ice cream a day and I can't get the same full I used to get so I have to eat more and more.

Yes, I have felt the same thing before it's kind of exciting and scary at the same time.

I wish for this to happen to my wife all the time!

At first you are full and slightly discomforted in the belly and after several weeks of eating more and stuffing you don't feel uncomfortable after a huge meal and desert and then several weeks later you notice that with a massive meal, desert and then snacking you can't seem to get full anymore. You can just keep eating and eating and after you realize how much you just ate you are amazed. You start craving fast food and fattening deserts like never before and when you go through a fast food drive thru you order an obnoxious amount for like three people and actually feel a little turned on, greedy and slightly embarrassed seeing the drive thru attendant and that you are the only one in the car. As you park close by in the lot you are amazed at how you steadily ate and finished what you just ordered even thought it was enough for three people and probably 3,000 + get a slight rush of excitement and decide to go and get some donuts for desert. It becomes a never ending cycle for a while and you start to think of food and also get a little aroused of getting even fatter and reversely you can be sitting around and see your belly sitting out in front of you on your lap and all of a sudden it makes you you keep eating and eating.
9 years

I became a fat person

I became a fat person when I reached 200-lbs. I became a fatter person when I reached 230-lbs.
9 years

I became a fat person

Yea, I know what you're talking about. I started off gaining on a whim because someone dared me to get to 230. I got there in no time flat but I wound up overshooting that by a lot because I got addicted to all the good food and became a couch potato...I'm way too fat to do anything else now.
8 years

I became a fat person

I just got to this point recently it was somewhere in-between 280-290, but now that I'm weighing in consistently in the 290s I finally feel fat. I have been hungry more and more as I eat and eat. My wife is definitely noticing now and she is starting to think that I'm getting too fat (secretly I think she likes that I'm now fatter than her). I'm looking forward to the holidays this year I'm gonna end up Santa sized.
7 years