
Warning! fat can be permanent

Give in to the gain and embrace the fact that your body wants to be fatter. Some of us are just meant to be quite fat.
Fighting it just leads to yo-yo dieting and years of wasted time and income that could have been spent enjoying life.
8 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Yes, this happened to me. I gained a lot and then tried to lose... lost some, then gained it all back plus some... and repeat that a few times. Here I am gaining again. Recent gains have all been on purpose though. Its just too fun smiley
8 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Yea, I've ridden the weight gain roller coaster this past year and I think you might be right. The last time I was able to lose a significant amount of weight was in January but that resulted in me rebounding all the way up to 360. The prospect of dieting and exercising is so bleak after enjoying all that good food and nothing beats a food coma on a Saturday afternoon! I've been trying to cut back on stuffing since the beginning of the summer but I'm somehow still above 340 and I haven't been below 300 since March. I think I'm just a fulltime fatty now.
8 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Whenever I encounter a thin girl who wants to gain, I always warn her that if she truly lets go and genuinely gets turned on by her gaining, she'll never be thin again!
8 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

I believe it's possible to lose one's sense of self-control, that you come to enjoy eating and feeling full ALL the time. Under those circumstances, it will be fairly nearly impossible to lose weight. I think the key isn't with you body, it's in your head!
8 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

I struggle with wanting to gain and gain. It's almost a constant struggle.

So True! There are times when I want to just let go and gorge myself into morbid obesity and then get even fatter! I'm struggling now with my weight and desires, I'm at 220 + lbs. and still wanting to gain more but I'm self conscious of my weight increasing.
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

I was alway curious what it would be like to be overweight, having been a thin guy most of my life. Also it was kind of an exciting notion. I was 180. I decided to see what 200 would be like. I got there and found it to be pretty neat, and after all I could always lose it. lol. So I was enjoying the changes so I kept going and reached a high of 227. At that point I sort of freaked and decided to stop gaining and start losing. Try as I might I could only get down to about 213. And found myself automatically floating back up to 220 to 225. That seems to be my new baseline so indeed I consider that I am permanently an overweight guy now. So be careful what you wish for. But frankly I really like being a bigger guy smiley
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

You can lose the weight, but the fetish never goes away, and once you lose all that weight you just want it back even more, because now you know how great it feels. I lost 50 pounds and now im in the process of gaining it all back. This time for good most likely

Exactly my problem having lost 50 lbs and regained a lot of my muscle I now want my big gut back, but to keep the muscle as well.
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

Depending on your body type, people maybe able lose weight easily or just have a difficult time with weight loss.

I gained a little weight but would be able to lose it with exercise. But my downfall is that I really love the feel of a full belly. To enjoy that feeling, I would have to eat more than I usually would. End result, I think being fat will be permanent for me.
7 years

Warning! fat can be permanent

I apologize if anything I said sounded pro diet. I find the concept of the inability to lose weight pretty arousing so if I talk about how much weight I'd have to lose just to get back to 300, it's more about me being astonished with how far I've come.
7 years
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