Fat experiences

Like a drug

This isn't solely a fat experience but I thought it should go here anyway. After my most recent gaining cycle, I decided to lay off the takeout stuffings in favor of some reasonably sized home cooked meals...well, I did up until New Year's Eve anyway. After doing some drinking, I caved in and ordered a burger and fries among some other things to satisfy a craving and, after chowing down, I had the most euphoric feeling. I know that some foods have been scientifically proven to affect pleasure centers in our brains the same way that some drugs do but this was the most intense post stuffing high I've ever had and it made me realize that I've totally been addicted to food since letting go a year and a half ago. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
7 years

Like a drug

Oh yea, being hangry is a very real thing. Also, when I'm sustaining a feeding frenzy, hunger pains literally hurt.
7 years