Lifestyle tips


So I recently tried to start gaining. I can't seem to stuff myself too much without getting nauseous. What should I do to stop or prevent that?
7 years


Eat small amounts constantly rather than a big amount once or twice a day.
7 years


Alright, thank you. I had a feeling I should do that, but aren't the best gainers ones who can eat a lot?
7 years


I guess I'll just gain at a slower rate than they would.
7 years


Would it help to get an encourager?
7 years


I have a similar problem. I don't get nauseous but I can't seem to eat enough. I had lumbar surgery in November 2015, and the pain meds I take seem to kill my appetite, especially during the day.

At night I get hungry and I start to eat. I've even been waking up in the middle of the night for milk and cookies. I drink whole milk and add heavy cream to it.

Edit to add: I just saw another thread that mentions cake shakes and a fat boy gainer shake. Those are great ideas.
7 years


What I have noticed is as you are trying to eat more at the beginning your stomach is telling you it doesn't have the capacity yet and it makes you feel sick or nausea as you mentioned.

You need to continue eating as much as you can along with plenty of water after eating which will still make you full and bloated but will start to stretch out your stomach (shouldn't make you any more sick feeling just full) but eventually this will allow you to eat more and more at meals. It probably is slightly different for everyone but I noticed around 2 weeks with myself.

Also, no matter how stuffed I was I could always turn to milk shakes and or Milk to guzzle and drink a lot more after I was stuffed with eating.

After, lets say a month if you are determined and follow you will be surprised how you will be able to eat double if not more at every meal. In fact eventually you will get to the point where it seems like you v=can keep eating and never get full.
7 years



In fact eventually you will get to the point where it seems like you v=can keep eating and never get full.


This really does happen!

I got to the point many times where I alarmed myself with how much I kept eating and didn't or I guess couldn't stop. It's almost like your stomach is stretched enough and can handle the capacity and your brain forgot the tell signals. This is the point where you can really pack on the Lbs. If anyone has been there than you know what I am talking about.
7 years