Fat experiences

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

A few garden chairs, my old bed & if it counts 2 sofas because the springs became worn out
7 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

I broke my bed once, I climbed onto it and I heard something snap and then the middle caved in smiley I've also broken a few chairs and I broke a kids arm once. Jk. Xd

I always had that fantasy that my gf is so heavy that she comes to bed and happens what you describe above.
And I have damaged a couple of beds (two with the same gf). The first one we were doing it standing (her weight being around 120 kg) and once finished I dropped her in the bed. She landed and next think we knew was (unfortunately just one) slat under the bed giving way. A month later on hotel we broke a spring on cowgirl ride as I was pushing her up and down.

Finally the screws on a wooden leg become loose with another female friend on a similar position. But still looking for the truly large female friend to break the bed as you describe
7 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

Double bellied bitch:
I've broken loads of stuff I've broken 7 of the nine chairs for my parents dinning table and 2 beds and I smashed some tiles when I fell in my kitchen when wearing high heels I'd love to hear your experiences ?smiley

Five chairs - so far. 😎
7 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

3 normal chairs, 4 folding chairs, 2 camp chairs including one high capacity one, 4 rolling office chairs, a bed, a futon, a recliner, a set of 3 stairs, a loveseat and 4 couches. Damn I've broken a lot, though I wasn't alone on the loveseat or sofas.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

When my husband and boss was feeding me at work I didn't quite realise just how much of a piggy I was. I knew I was putting weight on but I never really felt fat until I sat down in my office chair and heard a crack. I didn't totally break it but the plastic cracked. My ass had gotten too fat for it smiley 70lbs later and here I am as a true fat girl.

All of this above is so sexy.

As a guy i felt the same first time I started gaining.....I was almost in denial and didn't even realize it at all. This happened another time as well didn't even realize I put on a good amount of weight until it was 20-25 Lbs.

Cheaper furniture at higher weights is a no no. I never thought I would get to the point where this would be a concern....but when I was intentionally gaining and got up to 260 Lbs. I watched every chair I sat in...The only chair that I broke my office chair....when I got my new one early on I would make it crack as if was going to break but never did. Those plastic formed out door furniture chairs ....even when I was 220 Lbs. they would bend and collapse if I moved around in them.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

If you gathered all of the furniture I have broken in one place, it probably would not fit in the average suburban American front yard. I have broken every bed I have owned as an adult. I have had my current bed for less than a year, and it's already badly damaged, even though I only weigh 220 lbs now. I broke all 4 of my original kitchen chairs, at least one of my mom's kitchen chairs, my grandmother's toilet, and a camera tripod.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

If you gathered all of the furniture I have broken in one place, it probably would not fit in the average suburban American front yard. I have broken every bed I have owned as an adult. I have had my current bed for less than a year, and it's already badly damaged, even though I only weigh 220 lbs now. I broke all 4 of my original kitchen chairs, at least one of my mom's kitchen chairs, my grandmother's toilet, and a camera tripod.

Wow...you are furnitures worst night mare. I can't believe at 220 Lbs. you are breaking beds, chairs etc. a feverish pace.

I can only imagine if you were 300 Lbs. look out....where would you sit or sleep? Crazy thought huh?
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

Destroyed a lawn chair at a Air BNB.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

My desk chair is in the process of breaking. It's been creaking and groaning for quite a while. Then a fastener popped off last week and now I have to be very careful how I sit, or the groaning becomes truly alarming! I hope it holds out until I can afford a reinforced chair.
6 years

How many pieces of furniture have you broken with your weight?

I have cracked numerous toilet seats leaning to one side or the other. And broken at least a 1/2 dozen chairs, the most recent being a dinner party at a friends house when I stood up and the chair arm fell off since I put way to much pressure on it while sitting. I have also had a couple of experiences where the chair comes up with me when I stand because I was so tightly wedged into it. I must admit all of these experiences turn me on somewhat which is kind of kinky.
6 years