Fat experiences

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

a friend of mine has gained (from my guess) about 80 pounds in the last 2 years. She always brings it up anytime we hang out. Either grabbing her belly after a big meal and saying things like "living the fat life" or "no abs here now". And it drives me crazy. Has anyone else had this happen? I know it's not meant to be sexual but it drives me crazy when it happens
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Yea I know what you mean. I think it's a kind of a elephant in the room kind of thing. My wife has done this for years mostly in front of her girlfriends (when I have been around) after she has gained a good amount of weight. She doesn't do it with the subtle 5-10 Lbs. that I know a lot of women do just to get reassurance or a compliment that they are not to Fat but she does it with a 20-30 Lb. gain. After not seeing them for a long time she will look for an opportunity to work her weight gain into the conversation...and a lot of the time it seem's it is centered around food or especially desert which they all know she has a huge sweet tooth. As we are serving food buffet style she will almost over emphasize the amount she takes and say something like, "it's not like I skip any meals as she piles on a huge amount on her plate" or when a friend asks her for desert she would say "I will have one of each and make it a big slice" when they are cutting a cake or pie. Then comment, it's not like I won't eat all of this.....as she put's a bite to her mouth and moans so seductively. She kind of put's it out there to her friends like ....yea I have gotten Fat again as if to let them know she is well aware she is Fat and this is how she got Fat again.

Like you said it drives me crazy with arousal when I see this. But to most people it's just kind of funny or a joke.
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Exactly......I have always liked these.

I remember one I think it was Hydroxycut many years ago with a tan doing dark haired woman in a red bikini walking up from the beach. She wasn't Fat by my standards at all but looked great but she probably was carrying 30 extra Lbs. in the before video vs. the current.

I though she looked so sexy in the before but wanted her to gain another 30-50 Lbs. from there to make her really Hot.

Anyone remember this commercial....it may have been a print ad as well.
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Those unintentionally erotic moments are the best. I can remember dozens of instances of women pointing out their gain, or accidentally referencing it, that just drove me nuts.

Just a few months ago a short, very cute, and always curvy but never fat woman I've known for years who has finally, after fighting it forever, gotten pretty chunky, just said out of the blue, "I'm usually not this bloated." We had been eating with some friends so it wasn't completely random, but considering how much she's gained you'd think she wouldn't want to be calling attention to a part of her that has seen a good bit of that gain. She was leaning back and tugged at her jeans. Very nice. Ah, such an image. Good times.
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

My ex-wife was complaining that she was now a 50 inch waist and was complaining that she would have to order some larger pants. I had such an erection in my pants, that it was impossible for her not to notice, and she got really mad that I was excited rather than sympathetic.
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Great topic. However since we love fat, it seems logical that all of these are turn ons! Enjoy!
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

I know when I am,shopping for food to pig out on, I get aroused. I guess it's just the thought of all that food is going to be in me soon!

Makes sense to me! That is exciting! 😁
7 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

When a woman walks by me with a facial expression that indicates that she thinks that she is in better shape.
6 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

My boyfriend loves when I wear tight clinging clothes around women that are far fitter than I am. And I love the comments and condescending looks I get from fit chicks

Yes.....that would be hot.
6 years

Things that turn you on that aren't meant to?

Nothing better than to get those disapproving stares, knowing full well that they only inspire you to get even bigger!
6 years
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