
How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

When I'm aroused, I'm really into the idea of gaining. The rest of the time, I don't dislike it but I also think about working towards an athletic bodytype. I'm having trouble weighing my options objectively.

I have always been rail thin (and I hate it), but I'm in my mid/late 20s now and my metabolism is finally slowing down. Without trying, I have already gained 5-10lb, which is very apparent on my small frame. This change has made me want to embrace gaining, but a part of me is afraid that I'll gain a moderate amount and then realize that I'd rather lose it all and work towards an athletic body.

If I hold off on making a decision, then my weight will probably continue to increase slowly and it will become harder and harder to keep from giving in to gaining.

I realize that my decision doesn't have to be final, but I'm having trouble deciding what to do none-the-less. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

If you gain and don't like it, you can lose it. Fortunately it's not like a tattoo... not permanent. smiley

I think a lot if not most of us have been conflicted whether to gain or not. At one point it was only when I was aroused that I liked it. As time went by and continues to go by, I love it more and more. Yes, I think about losing but then I ask myself "why!?"

Especially when I see a store window reflection showing how big my belly is getting, how my belt slides down nd how snug my shirts are getting.

It's a process, not an overnight yes or no. smiley
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

Jack Valedole:
Encourager/Mutual Gainer here. For me, personally, it's not about arousal. I've always been bony and "rail thin" like you described yourself as being. For as long as I could remember I've hated how my body looked and the remarks I would get because of it.

"Have you eaten today?"
/in a hushed tone/ "Are you Anorexic?"
"Do you want me to buy you a sandwich?"

I was a preteen when I knew I wanted to be big. I would get really jealous of the other kids who were larger. I wanted to be fat like they were.

However, my metabolism has prevented it. Every time I go to the pool I would wear a shirt to hide my ribs and hip-bones. Every time I looked in the mirror I disliked what I saw.

Getting fat and LIKING what I see there is something that I've always wanted and will hopefully soon achieve.

I would rather be happy with the way I look and mocked for being fat than hate my body...and still get mocked.

Hope my rant helps lol

I can absolutely relate to everything that you said one hundred percent!

"Are you eating enough?"
"You should eat more."
"How are you so cold?! / Your hands are purple?!"

Just the other day, I was having a meal with my parents for Father's day and they were asking all those questions for what felt like the millionth time. For the first time, I was able to tell them that I'd actually gained a little weight. I wasn't sure if they would ask if I was eating healthy or something along those lines since they are health nuts, but they responded with a resounding "GOOD!". Wonder how long that'll keep up if I decide to gain for real...

Edit - More War Stories:

I knew that I was into fat on some level from an early age so I was pretty excited when I was given the high-calorie Ensure shakes sometime around age 12 (doctor was worried about my weight). Turns out that 3+ years of drinking the stuff daily does diddly squat when you have the metabolism of a racehorse. smiley

Years later, I tried every kind of bulking regime to see if working out could do anything. Nope. The best I ever managed was around two pounds up from baseline and it took a ton of work. I ultimate stopped because years of effort really didn't get me anywhere. In time, I accepted the situation and waited for my metabolism to calm down.

One more story in case the purple hands thing is foreign to anyone interested... When you're very underweight, cold hits like a truck. I can dress for the cold in Winder, but air-conditioning in Summer is the real killer. Way back in high school, they liked to crank the AC and whenever I was seated under a vent I would get really cold and my hands would go deep purple and very numb. One time I was writing a math test and halfway through I had to ask the teacher if I could switch seats with anyone. Of course, the teacher was confused so I had to show him my hands and explain that I was no longer able to write. Naturally, the whole class saw/heard and somebody had to move. That wasn't a great day, but it did teach me to always pack a sweater in Summer which has been an invaluable lesson.
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

If you gain and don't like it, you can lose it. Fortunately it's not like a tattoo... not permanent. smiley

I think a lot if not most of us have been conflicted whether to gain or not. At one point it was only when I was aroused that I liked it. As time went by and continues to go by, I love it more and more. Yes, I think about losing but then I ask myself "why!?"

Especially when I see a store window reflection showing how big my belly is getting, how my belt slides down nd how snug my shirts are getting.

It's a process, not an overnight yes or no. smiley

Absolutely. If I gain and don't like it then I can lose it. However, it'll be easier if I make the right choice from the start so I'm giving it a fair bit of thought before I start down either path.

I think that it comes down to me wanting to be bigger. It could be muscle or fat - both have their pros/cons but I just don't want to be thin/scrawny/etc.

An athletic muscle physique is a good look for pretty much anyone and universally acceptable, but it would be a difficult adjustment to work out (don't enjoy it) and watch what I eat (never had to do that before). I believe that I have the willpower to stick with it, but only if I feel that the payout is worth it.

A chubby physique is taboo, but appealing in a sensual way. Eating whatever I want and as much as I want (I would be fairly mindful of health) would be enjoyable on many levels. I'm somewhat of a foodie so the food itself is a motivator. I'm also turned on by the idea of overeating while knowing full-well that it's making me fatter.

Both have their merit, but getting fat has more risk (having to lose the weight if I don't like it, health, social, relationship, etc) but also possibly more reward. In some sense, going for muscle is the easier way out despite the effort required.

One concern is that, while being bigger in any way is a constant desire, being fatter has only been a desire when I was aroused. This has changed recently and I now feel more-or-less neutrally towards getting fat when I'm not aroused. Is that enough of a green light? Maybe I'm more confident so the idea of being fat in everyday life is more acceptable now. Maybe it's just the excitement of realizing that my metabolism is slowing and switch back and cause issues. The whole situation is sexually charged so it's difficult to think about it rationally.

A little context:
My inclination isn't to be massive, just big.

If I go for the athletic look, it'll be a slow process (ectomorph, etc) and I'll just keep at it with no specific goal. I wouldn't expect to really feel bigger for at least 2 years.

If I give in to gaining then I'd start with another 20 (up 25-30 from baseline) and see how I feel. I'd keep up walking/cardio for stamina and maybe a do a little bit of at-home workout so that it's not purely a skinny-fat look (I have very little muscle at present). If all is well, then I'd aim for 50 up from baseline. After that, I probably wouldn't want to gain intentionally but I could see myself ending up +60-70 in the long run.
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

This basically how It is for me too. when I'm aroused I just want to gain and get huge etc but when I come back down I like to go out and exercise and eat healthy - a sort of yin and yang situation. Even now I can't think of myself ever truly letting go. It goes for women too, I like a big girl who eats but I feel I live such an active lifestyle that no woman could truly get fat while with me

You kind of explain the euphoric arousal of this weight gain fetish. With time it can usually get stronger.

Back just after college My serious girlfriend and I moved in together. She was beautiful and quite chunky...I was thin and muscular and could really never gain weight. Over months of living together we were like the little married couple, she was a great cook and baker and we hung out all the time when I wasn't at my new desk job and she wasn't at classes in her last year of college. The months continued to go by and I noticed she was becoming fatter and fatter and I loved it. I didn't dare say anything because I didn't want her to try and diet. One day I cam home form work to find her on the couch snacking on a bag of chips watching Tv and very sad like she had been teared up....I sat down by her and asked her what was wrong and softly consoled her while she told me she just got back from her annual female check up where she was scolded by her Doctor for gaining so much weight. This excited me but I continued to console her and she said "and here I am still stuffing my face with a bag of chips" I told her she was beautiful and I thought she looked better than ever and that's when she said "maybe we should go on a diet" I thought I mis heard her and asks "we should go on a diet" and she looked at me and stalled for a minute and then said "you didn't even realize that you got heavy to" in a question form.......I had an intense arousal come over me and then I was a bit embarrassed and didn't really say anything and she just hugged me and smiled and said "I think you look great like this"....once again arousal. We decided to have a mutual gaining relationship and it became a very teasing and sexy it would have been pretty difficult to control our new huge appetites anyways. It was the best both of us eating huge fattening meals that she cooked and massive fattening baked deserts all the time, teasing one another and getting fatter day by day week by week month by month and we kind of become home bodies never really going out with our couple friends anymore. When we did go out with our couple's friends it was kind of embarrassing and shocking because we had both changed so much and gained so much weight we didn't feel the same or comfortable around them. I would go to work and everyone used to know me as the taller thin athletic guy and all of a sudden for new people in the office that never knew me like that I became referred to as the heavy set things were a bit strange when my girt
l friend and I were at our town home eating and teasing and growing fatter together it was the best but when I had to see family, friends and even go to work it wasn't the same feeling I was insecure for the first time in my life and even my long time friends would never stop with slight jabs about my new big gut or how much I have changed. Her couple called us the Fat married it was a ying & yang thing for sure.

Fast forward many years later .....I happened to gain a decent amount of weight unintentionally trying to get my wife fattened up again and I ended up getting fatter than her. I decided to intentionally see how Fat I could get...mostly to see her reaction, or to have her scold me or even tease me for gaining such a big gut. Well, after gaining 40+ Lbs and looking like I was 9 months pregnant my wife only seemed to like the new fatter me. She happened to be gaining along with me although both of us never discussed it. I was getting a lot fatter and eating like a pig she was getting fatter and eating along side with me....we were totally happy our sex life got better and much more active. We were a bit more withdrawn around friends and family which always seems to be the case but it was totally different this time for me. I felt like I could go on forever, not insecure at all now about my big change....I almost flaunted it front of people. My wife only commented a couple of times when she happened to be slightly intoxicated and it was a teasing and endearing way of palming and shaking my new Fat gut and her saying "I don't remember all this" .

I am sure it has to do with age and how the desire of weight gain on oneself or their partner seems to get stronger with time with regard to this fetish.
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

i hereby agree with pinky's sugestion. goahead with it,and if you feelgood with the results,then proceed forward with enthusiasm
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

Might help:
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

I have been fascinated by weight gain, fat since way before puberty. I was heavy and an adolescent and gained as a freshman in college, getting pretty heavy around 210. I tried to stay in some sort of shape in college, but not much success. Soon after college I got pneumonia and lost a lot of weight. I was in the reserves (military) for twenty five years. When I retired, I knew I wanted to start deliberately gaining and I have. I'm up to 231 lbs. this morning.
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

This basically how It is for me too. when I'm aroused I just want to gain and get huge etc but when I come back down I like to go out and exercise and eat healthy - a sort of yin and yang situation. Even now I can't think of myself ever truly letting go. It goes for women too, I like a big girl who eats but I feel I live such an active lifestyle that no woman could truly get fat while with me

You kind of explain the euphoric arousal of this weight gain fetish. With time it can usually get stronger.

Back just after college My serious girlfriend and I moved in together. She was beautiful and quite chunky...I was thin and muscular and could really never gain weight. Over months of living together we were like the little married couple, she was a great cook and baker and we hung out all the time when I wasn't at my new desk job and she wasn't at classes in her last year of college. The months continued to go by and I noticed she was becoming fatter and fatter and I loved it. I didn't dare say anything because I didn't want her to try and diet. One day I cam home form work to find her on the couch snacking on a bag of chips watching Tv and very sad like she had been teared up....I sat down by her and asked her what was wrong and softly consoled her while she told me she just got back from her annual female check up where she was scolded by her Doctor for gaining so much weight. This excited me but I continued to console her and she said "and here I am still stuffing my face with a bag of chips" I told her she was beautiful and I thought she looked better than ever and that's when she said "maybe we should go on a diet" I thought I mis heard her and asks "we should go on a diet" and she looked at me and stalled for a minute and then said "you didn't even realize that you got heavy to" in a question form.......I had an intense arousal come over me and then I was a bit embarrassed and didn't really say anything and she just hugged me and smiled and said "I think you look great like this"....once again arousal. We decided to have a mutual gaining relationship and it became a very teasing and sexy it would have been pretty difficult to control our new huge appetites anyways. It was the best both of us eating huge fattening meals that she cooked and massive fattening baked deserts all the time, teasing one another and getting fatter day by day week by week month by month and we kind of become home bodies never really going out with our couple friends anymore. When we did go out with our couple's friends it was kind of embarrassing and shocking because we had both changed so much and gained so much weight we didn't feel the same or comfortable around them. I would go to work and everyone used to know me as the taller thin athletic guy and all of a sudden for new people in the office that never knew me like that I became referred to as the heavy set things were a bit strange when my girt
l friend and I were at our town home eating and teasing and growing fatter together it was the best but when I had to see family, friends and even go to work it wasn't the same feeling I was insecure for the first time in my life and even my long time friends would never stop with slight jabs about my new big gut or how much I have changed. Her couple called us the Fat married it was a ying & yang thing for sure.

Fast forward many years later .....I happened to gain a decent amount of weight unintentionally trying to get my wife fattened up again and I ended up getting fatter than her. I decided to intentionally see how Fat I could get...mostly to see her reaction, or to have her scold me or even tease me for gaining such a big gut. Well, after gaining 40+ Lbs and looking like I was 9 months pregnant my wife only seemed to like the new fatter me. She happened to be gaining along with me although both of us never discussed it. I was getting a lot fatter and eating like a pig she was getting fatter and eating along side with me....we were totally happy our sex life got better and much more active. We were a bit more withdrawn around friends and family which always seems to be the case but it was totally different this time for me. I felt like I could go on forever, not insecure at all now about my big change....I almost flaunted it front of people. My wife only commented a couple of times when she happened to be slightly intoxicated and it was a teasing and endearing way of palming and shaking my new Fat gut and her saying "I don't remember all this" .

I am sure it has to do with age and how the desire of weight gain on oneself or their partner seems to get stronger with time with regard to this fetish.

This is so hot!

I second that motion! Hottest post I've read today!
7 years

How did you decide if gaining was right for you? (asking for advice)

At first, I was just an FA, for like 2 years, when I got into this 'fetish' sphere. Just staring from the outside, liking those who were fat/chubby. Then I started to gain because of high stress and poor physical exercise due to the same reason, after about a year and a half I went from my healthy weight of 165 (I think, I don't remember exactly) to an obese 213 pounds. I had never been so aroused before. Since then I lost some weight, but now I've solidified my resolve to gain because of that experience.
7 years
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