
Stuffing advice

Definitely take it slow. When I try to stuff too fast I get more in quickly but I feel worse sooner and end up eating or drinking less than when I stretch out my binge over a few hours.

You will certainly get better the more you practice, and what a fun thing to have to work at. Have fun and keep that tummy full!
5 years

Stuffing advice

I agree with the advice that taking it slow and stuffing over a long period is a lot better, and more satisfying to get a round belly in the end. You also won't feel as sick if you go slowly.

Make sure to have things the 'cut' the taste of some of the other things you're eating. For example, always have tea or coffee with the sweet things. Save guzzling water/soda/shakes until the end, since liquid will fill up the rest of your stomach.
5 years

Stuffing advice

I enjoy the pain/pleasure of gorging, but if I need to ease the pressure some I stand and sort of sway from side to side.

I can second this, I don't know why but standing up does seem to help out a lot
5 years

Stuffing advice

This is how I got into this whole weight gaining/stuffing thing to begin with. I was lifting weights and drinking a heavy protein shake that I couldn't really stomach, but watching the opposite sex chug helped. The first few months I could barely finish the 48 drink, in a month or so I'd follow it with another 48 ounces of water for best absorption. But this was 15 years ago when I was into building muscle.

It's kind of like a workout for your stomach. You'll need a few warm up meals. I'd try filling up with water hours ahead of time, you can use watered down gatorade if your worried about the over hydration, which is scary so...

Then variety helps you keep eating. Vary your choices, think thanksgiving vs a pizza, you'll always eat more with more variety.

Load your plate, the bigger the pile in front of you the more determined you will be to make it all go away.

Then about 20 minutes later try a brownie and a big glass of milk or if your trying to gain weight too cream or even half and half.
5 years

Stuffing advice

A wide variety is essential for me. I can't get properly stuffed otherwise. That's why I lament the lack of a good non-chinese buffet near me.
5 years