
The fattening game

Can you imagine an event where several skinny people are released on an island where they will have to survive, there will be several things for them to survive but these will slowly fatten them up, in addition to several chubby people who will encourage the contestants to digest things that will make them fat, the last one in pie earns a lot of money
11 months

The fattening game

I’ve thought about a show where contestants are asked to gain weight and whoever gains the most weight gets a prize at the end but this idea sounds like more fun, at least for a show
11 months

The fattening game

Can you imagine an event where several skinny people are released on an island where they will have to survive, there will be several things for them to survive but these will slowly fatten them up, in addition to several chubby people who will encourage the contestants to digest things that will make them fat, the last one in pie earns a lot of money

Not sure that will work for island survival as one tends to lose weight in those situations. But I recall stumbling upon a reality TV show called The Fattening Room.

I have mixed feelings about the show's existence.
11 months

The fattening game

Not sure that will work for island survival as one tends to lose weight in those situations.

Yes, in a survival situation it is a challenge just to obtain enough edible food and clean water to stay alive. For example, there are grasses and peas that can be eaten, as well as some berries, but other berries and flowers are toxic.

Fat is easiest to come by in fish and perhaps small creatures, but unless there are cows, cream won’t be available.

Overall, a dessert island has little in common with a desert island.
11 months

The fattening game

Not sure that will work for island survival as one tends to lose weight in those situations.

Overall, a dessert island has little in common with a desert island.

11 months

The fattening game

Can you imagine an event where several skinny people are released on an island where they will have to survive, there will be several things for them to survive but these will slowly fatten them up, in addition to several chubby people who will encourage the contestants to digest things that will make them fat, the last one in pie earns a lot of money

Not a survival show, but a rather a game where the participants are asked to gain weight, the fatter is the winner 🤩
11 months

The fattening game

Would join it
11 months

The fattening game

I'm sure I will see it on tv. No medical selection before the program.

Not the biggest loser with personal trainers an diëtist but become fattest with feeders to help you grow as much. Great idea. Try Netflix 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Think the won't do but you never know. If they can earn money the do everything

No TV exec worth their salt will forgo something so important. It would be the stupidest thing they can do.

People have food allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune disorders, or a number of other things the show would have to keep in mind. And if they aren't disqualified, they'd have to at least make reasonable accommodations.

For example, if someone has a peanut allergy, the show would make sure they don't come into contact with such an allergy. If that person has seizures, then they would have to make sure that person has access to care and minimize their exposure to triggers.

If someone dies in their care because they couldn't be bothered to do basic due diligence, they would get sued into oblivion and/or no one would work with them again. And you have the added issue of further demonizing our fetish in the mainstream.
11 months

The fattening game

I'm sure I will see it on tv. No medical selection before the program.

Not the biggest loser with personal trainers an diëtist but become fattest with feeders to help you grow as much. Great idea. Try Netflix 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Think the won't do but you never know. If they can earn money the do everything

No TV exec worth their salt will forgo something so important. It would be the stupidest thing they can do.

People have food allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune disorders, or a number of other things the show would have to keep in mind. And if they aren't disqualified, they'd have to at least make reasonable accommodations.

For example, if someone has a peanut allergy, the show would make sure they don't come into contact with such an allergy. If that person has seizures, then they would have to make sure that person has access to care and minimize their exposure to triggers.

If someone dies in their care because they couldn't be bothered to do basic due diligence, they would get sued into oblivion and/or no one would work with them again. And you have the added issue of further demonizing our fetish in the mainstream.

The fit to fat to fit show seemed to go on without hitch I wonder how many wavers the participants had to sign…
11 months

The fattening game

Sign me up
11 months
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