
Too much?

Whatever size that you are, there'll always be someone for whom that is the perfect size :-)
15 years

Too much?

You summed it up pretty much best in the first paragraph - for some people, the fantasy is always way more appealing than the reality. Probably because the fantasy doesn't have any consequences or responsibilities attached to it.
15 years

Too much?

It is easy for admirers to be conflicted too. First of all, I think it is absolutely sexy for a woman to keep gaining. But I also like going places with women, and if I was looking for a wife, I would probably have a diminished standard of living if she could not work.

When seeing pictures of women going from say 300 to 700, I find the 500 pound pictures the best. Yet I have a friend who is 780, and it is still erotic as hell to see her still gaining.
15 years

Too much?

I think it's an internet thing. As FA's it's very easy to sit and type whatever we want with no responsibilities or fear of embarrasment at saying something wrong etc.

As long as you gaining for yourself then really that's all that matters and as FA's we get to enjoy the ride smiley

P.S. I loved your last set ash. The video's from your car were awsome.
15 years

Too much?

It could be a number of things..why don't you ask him?If he is a nice guy he won't mind..he could just be mixed up isn't always simplesmileyOne possibility is that he is truggling to admit that he likes big you know it is very much the last taboo out there..if it is that,just give him some gentle encouragement from time to timesmiley
15 years

Too much?

People can be attracted or turned on by various things...sometimes those things fit together, but they can even be pretty much mutually exclusive.

I don't think it so odd that some people prefer a more middling size range, but are still always turned on by gain at any size.

I do think it is odd that someone would tell anyone that they were too fat for the speaker's preference, but then keep encouraging them with their gain. To me, that is just rude. If you know them well perhaps admit that they've exceeded your size preference but that their gain still turns you on, so that they know where your head is at. But then don't keep encouraging them smiley
15 years

Too much?

I think this boils down to the fantasy being better than the reality for some men. I, for one, think it's a huge turn on to see a beautiful girl that is not ashamed of her weight and enjoys her girth. Would be proud to have you as my woman smiley
15 years