
Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Ritlin does this also any adhd meds do
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Dry mouth is a common symptom of Adderall. You may not be hungry, but you might be thirsty. Consider drinking your calories while you figure out your medication situation. If it's working, I don't want you to stop taking it just because you are losing weight.
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

I was already in the habit of tracking macros and having set-ish meal/snack times before I started Adderall and that helped me maintain even just my break-even intake. It took a few weeks for the appetite suppression to kick in and now that it has I'm glad I had that habit before, because I am able to just check and be like "Oh, damn, definitely haven't had enough x today" and have a snack even if I'm not hungry.

I'd recommend focusing on just your maintenance levels first. Adderall didn't just change my overall appetite (desire for food) but also hunger signals (need for food) so I learned that I still need to eat even if I'm not physically hungry. Figure out what just makes you comfortable. Don't force yourself to stuff/overeat. Get a handle on that, find the rhythm, then focus on increasing your macros again.

For me personally, the moment I eat outside of my regular times is when my appetite goes to shit. My appetite functions MUCh better if I stick to mealtimes and overall macro consistency.

FWIW I've been on 10mg XR for about 90 days and I haven't really lost any weight. A few pounds perhaps but I don't really count anything +/- 5lbs
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Get off that shit that is the #1 gateway drug that gets people eventually into opiates and amphetemines. Every junkie i know started on Xanax or Adderal first.
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

The reason every junkie you know started on those is because they were not prescribed and because they were already addicts and they would have gotten hooked on anything stimulating.

Her question was not whether or not she should stay on the medication it was how does she manage her appetite.
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Green Eyes Dose:
Get off that shit that is the #1 gateway drug that gets people eventually into opiates and amphetemines. Every junkie i know started on Xanax or Adderal first.

This is extremely bad advice and isn't factually correct. Adderall, like any other prescription medication, is only a problem if it isn't used as prescribed. There are many medications out there that can be harmful if misused - but *only* if they're misused.

What do you expect her to do after she stops taking it? How do you expect her to stay awake? Her doctor wouldn't have given her that if she could fix it herself with coffee and better sleep.
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Green Eyes Dose:
Get off that shit that is the #1 gateway drug that gets people eventually into opiates and amphetemines. Every junkie i know started on Xanax or Adderal first.

This is extremely bad advice and isn't factually correct. Adderall, like any other prescription medication, is only a problem if it isn't used as prescribed. There are many medications out there that can be harmful if misused - but *only* if they're misused.

What do you expect her to do after she stops taking it? How do you expect her to stay awake? Her doctor wouldn't have given her that if she could fix it herself with coffee and better sleep.

That is utter lies and they even have boards set up to prosecute doctors for incorrectly prescribing medications and people like you claiming opiods and amphetemines arent addiction causing. I have mulitple friends who were prescribed by their doctors adderal and xanax and oxycodine and thats how they developed drug addiction programs. I am a narcoleptic who wasn't allowed to drive for years because of a sleep condition. I am very samiliar with her problem and I have a lot of dead friends with familiea who had their lives ruined because doctors prescribed them medications without considering how addicting that jacked up feeling gets to certain people. Trying to defend a drug and say it cant be a gateway drug to other drugs just because its prescribed when the #1 addiction problem in the United States is perscription drugs perscribed by a doctor is just assenine and you can tell who is heavily dosed by their reaction to this thread. If you don't have a PHD then you should not be advocating drug use when my arguememt is that its doctors with PHD's who are directly responsible for prescribing people with no previous medication use to start using medication that can eventually lead to addictions you are out of line and very inconsiderate to the millions of families like mine who hace lost loved ones because doctors prescribed them mind altering medications and theres trillions of dollara in lawsuits in US courts to back my statement up.

I watched multiple kids i grew up with go from adderals to xanax then to oxys or different amphetemines then once they cant afford it straight into black tar heroin then fentanyl. Don't talk about this stuff on a fetish website if you don't want traumatized people to be outspoken. Just because you have not lost anyone to this doesn't mean others havent!
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Green Eyes Dose:
Get off that shit that is the #1 gateway drug that gets people eventually into opiates and amphetemines. Every junkie i know started on Xanax or Adderal first.

This is extremely bad advice and isn't factually correct. Adderall, like any other prescription medication, is only a problem if it isn't used as prescribed. There are many medications out there that can be harmful if misused - but *only* if they're misused.

What do you expect her to do after she stops taking it? How do you expect her to stay awake? Her doctor wouldn't have given her that if she could fix it herself with coffee and better sleep.

That is utter lies and they even have boards set up to prosecute doctors for incorrectly prescribing medications and people like you claiming opiods and amphetemines arent addiction causing. I have mulitple friends who were prescribed by their doctors adderal and xanax and oxycodine and thats how they developed drug addiction programs. I am a narcoleptic who wasn't allowed to drive for years because of a sleep condition. I am very samiliar with her problem and I have a lot of dead friends with familiea who had their lives ruined because doctors prescribed them medications without considering how addicting that jacked up feeling gets to certain people. Trying to defend a drug and say it cant be a gateway drug to other drugs just because its prescribed when the #1 addiction problem in the United States is perscription drugs perscribed by a doctor is just assenine and you can tell who is heavily dosed by their reaction to this thread. If you don't have a PHD then you should not be advocating drug use when my arguememt is that its doctors with PHD's who are directly responsible for prescribing people with no previous medication use to start using medication that can eventually lead to addictions you are out of line and very inconsiderate to the millions of families like mine who hace lost loved ones because doctors prescribed them mind altering medications and theres trillions of dollara in lawsuits in US courts to back my statement up.

I watched multiple kids i grew up with go from adderals to xanax then to oxys or different amphetemines then once they cant afford it straight into black tar heroin then fentanyl. Don't talk about this stuff on a fetish website if you don't want traumatized people to be outspoken. Just because you have not lost anyone to this doesn't mean others havent!
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

Green Eyes Dose:
Get off that shit that is the #1 gateway drug that gets people eventually into opiates and amphetemines. Every junkie i know started on Xanax or Adderal first.

This is extremely bad advice and isn't factually correct. Adderall, like any other prescription medication, is only a problem if it isn't used as prescribed. There are many medications out there that can be harmful if misused - but *only* if they're misused.

What do you expect her to do after she stops taking it? How do you expect her to stay awake? Her doctor wouldn't have given her that if she could fix it herself with coffee and better sleep.

Green Eyes Dose:
That is utter lies and they even have boards set up to prosecute doctors for incorrectly prescribing medications and people like you claiming opiods and amphetemines arent addiction causing. I have mulitple friends who were prescribed by their doctors adderal and xanax and oxycodine and thats how they developed drug addiction programs. I am a narcoleptic who wasn't allowed to drive for years because of a sleep condition. I am very samiliar with her problem and I have a lot of dead friends with familiea who had their lives ruined because doctors prescribed them medications without considering how addicting that jacked up feeling gets to certain people. Trying to defend a drug and say it cant be a gateway drug to other drugs just because its prescribed when the #1 addiction problem in the United States is perscription drugs perscribed by a doctor is just assenine and you can tell who is heavily dosed by their reaction to this thread. If you don't have a PHD then you should not be advocating drug use when my arguememt is that its doctors with PHD's who are directly responsible for prescribing people with no previous medication use to start using medication that can eventually lead to addictions you are out of line and very inconsiderate to the millions of families like mine who hace lost loved ones because doctors prescribed them mind altering medications and theres trillions of dollara in lawsuits in US courts to back my statement up.

I watched multiple kids i grew up with go from adderals to xanax then to oxys or different amphetemines then once they cant afford it straight into black tar heroin then fentanyl. Don't talk about this stuff on a fetish website if you don't want traumatized people to be outspoken. Just because you have not lost anyone to this doesn't mean others havent!

You are derailing the thread. If you feel that strongly about it, then post about it on another thread. This is not what this thread is about.
1 year
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