Extreme obesity

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

This is my ultimate goal, and as I get bigger seems more and more like where my life is headed. Being 1000+ would be ideal
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

If I’m able to gain 5 pounds a month or about .17 pound a day for the next 12 years I would make it to 1000 pounds.
Very intrigued to see if I can reach 1000 pounds.
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I genuinely do, and I'm willing to make the accommodations in my life to support it.

Don't ever stop

At the rate I'm going, stopping seems unlikely. I blew up over the holidays and am still growing. I've gained 68 pounds in four months and my gain has leveled out at 2-3 pounds a week. At this rate, if I can put on 10 pounds a month, I'll be 570 by Christmas

Don't slow down no matter what happens.
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I actually got my first scooter as a late Christmas gift to myself last month! I also already have a hea
vy-duty shower chair, shower hose extender, and a bariatric chair in my kitchen. I'm thinking ahead to mitigate challenges and accommodate my increasing size easily.

It will also make sure you stand less. Perfect ❤️
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

keep going. if this is what you need, you won't be happy until you reach your goal. That's what I did. I decided to stop making believe I didn't want to be immobile.
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I think it would be amazing to reach that goal, maybe double 🐷
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I want that, I would love to have an extreme body.
I'm happy with my 700+ pounds, but if I could get over 1000 pounds that would be great.
If one day I reach that weight and my heart allows it, I'm going to try to become the fattest woman in history and why not the fattest person alive in history.
It seems easy because I already have extreme obesity, but the reality is that I lack 120 kilos to enter the competition and 350 kilos to break those records.
The fattest people list is full of men, we have to add more women there.
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

Absolutely. I know it'd be extremely risky and expensive but the idea of being that huge and the gut that would come with it is super enticing.

If I could reach 1000 I'd absolutely push for more
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

I wanna be fed until I cannot move.
1 year

Are there people who want to get to 1000+ pounds

That’s a hefty goal for sure, i hope one day I can find someone that will get me there. I’d throw everything away just to have fulfilled my fantasy . Unfortunately the odds of that are super unlikely. But a girl can dream smiley
1 year
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