Fat experiences

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Just 1 & 2 for me as well. I don't remember the last time I could see 3,4 and 5 🤣
8 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Just belly and moobs sitting on top. Haven't seen my feet in ages.
8 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

when I'm standing I don't see my navel
8 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Mostly belly, and belly button now beyond horizon. Almost cant even see toes when I step forward anymore and hangs to poof out a little against thighs. Also if I prop foot on wall I am leaning against can no longer see knee poking out. Obscures a stair and a half below when toes at edge, going for two steps.
8 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

I see boobs and then the top of my belly. I can no longer see my belly button, and from my angle, I can't see my thighs or knees either when sitting. My gut has taken over!
8 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

I can mainly see my belly with belly button and slightly the tips of my toes, but it won't take long until those will be hidden under my belly.
7 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Just shifting my eyes down, I can’t see over my chubby cheeks, tilting my head down it’s all tits, and if I was to bend forward I see plenty of belly before I could even imagine finding my toes.
7 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

I only see my belly
7 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Just belly here...
7 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

boobs only.
7 months
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