
Heavy cream is very sneaky

I went back to 1/2 quart a day and I’m up 8 lbs and my belly has grown an inch!! Loving the effects mostly subcutaneous!! Can’t wait to get a standing overhang and a grab-able roll while laying down

This is awesome, great work. Now keep it up, there is a man on here that has blown up on heavy cream during quarantine, try to catch up with him.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

This is awesome, great work. Now keep it up, there is a man on here that has blown up on heavy cream during quarantine, try to catch up with him.

Who did I’m jealous[/quote]

3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I hope I will see some fattening results. I am now drinking two pints of heavy cream mixed with chocolate syrup a day. Ever since I have been gaining weight it always goes to my big Fat belly. Which I don't mind. So that is probably where this will go.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I have found that mixing heavy cream with black tea and honey is SOO good and makes it easy to chug down. I’ve been downing a half pint each night but this week I’m going to try for a full pint. Definitely feeling the new subcutaneous giggly fat all over.

Also, I’ve been experimenting with mixing in canola oil to add even more calories by first whisking it with a bit of the cream before I add it to the giant mug I use.

I’ve been taking two lactaids before I drink the cream which definitely helps.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Heavy cream is DEADLY! (In a good way.)

The only suggestions I woud make is to try and cut it with something, or drink a glass of water before or after, so it's not like BAM on your stomach-

And, also, go slow at first so you don't get sick.

When I started drinking a cup of coffee cup's worth of it when I had my feeder, she said "Well, at least we know you're not lactose intolerant." But please make sure you're not, by going slow.

Getting fat is fun, getting sick is the worst feeling.

But heavy cream, hands down, will put fat on you in a hurry. I did 7 pounds in a month.

I would 100% agree with this advice.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

How long will heavy cream keep in the refrigerator? It seems to last a long time, just not sure how long?
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

What are some discreet ways to make heavy cream shakes? I don't want my roommates to see me.

Ordering starbucks with heavy cream gets expensive.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

How long will heavy cream keep in the refrigerator? It seems to last a long time, just not sure how long?

I would say about a week but it depends on how long it has been on the shelf in the store of course. I have a mini fridge hidden away in my den, especially for the cream. so my consumption is not visible to others.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

How long will heavy cream keep in the refrigerator? It seems to last a long time, just not sure how long?

It may be one of those It Varies things.

Influenced by this thread, this morning in the refrigerator i happened upon an unopened pint of Trader Joe’s Organic Heavy Whipping Cream, dated AUG 08. Shook the bejesus out of it until it again sounded like liquid rather than silent, then opened it: smelled OK.

Mixed somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 (didn’t measure) of a pint with about the same of vanilla unsweetened flax milk (a typical beverage i like), heated and blended with organic cacao powder for what amounts to hot chocolate. Vrra vrra niiiice.

I expect to have more tomorrow and/or the next day ’til it’s gone, maybe with some of the usual protein drink powders i have instead of the cacao.

This is mostly an experiment to find out how my body does/does not handle heavy cream.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm not far behind you Justapig.
Since buying and taking lactose pills I can manage 300ml of double cream and the same of milk, all mixed with about 100g of Nutella. I've had no unpleasantness in the loo, and my hayfever symptoms have totally gone. I'm also up 2 lbs in the last few days!
3 years