
Heavy cream is very sneaky

The date has been set, october 15th its starting, got 13 quarts so far think im might explode out of some of my tighter stuff shortly after the heavy cream begins.

Make sure you take a before and after picture, even if you don't post it!
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

bad news, good news, bad news, good news....bad news1 : lost even more weight, do to my job, i have been working threw lunch and burning calories like crazy, down to 183 havent been that low in years. Good news 1 : I will be starting the heavy cream regiment ahead of schedule, possibly tomorrow but probably next weekend friday night. Bad news 2 : im still working like crazy so still burning calories and not really eating in abundance. Good news 2 : that being the case I will prolly be doing the heavy cream for more than a month and a half. Not previously listed good news 3 : I have already purchased 32 quarts. havent desided if i will post pics or not but i will post mesurements and weights, any specific numbers people are interested in?
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

observation, its still crazy to see since my last heavy cream thing last september that my belly is as soft as what it is, much softer than it was years ago when i was 183, two possible causes or a combination of both, could be the heavy cream weight subcanious fat is that much harder to lose and I dont have quite the muscle mass i used to. both possible as Im getting old lol. Plus side is i think i have less viseral fat either way.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

really want to see what happens when i dont stop after getting freaked out. anxious and exited at the same time. Last time i was imbarrased when a friend commented on it cause i didnt think it was super noticable when i was wearing lose clothing...apparently it was. my all time record was 210 with beer and pizza, but it didnt seem nearly as big as the 206 or seven with heavy cream and definatly wasnt squishy. Seems fat grown on the outside of your muscles takes up way more area than fat grown on the inside.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

couldnt wait it has begun ....current stats 187lbs

standing belly 40.25"
standing sucked in 37.5
sitting 42
sitting sucked in 38.5
butt 40.5
upper leg 23.5
chest 43.5

took a short vid may post stills from it later dont know yet
1st pint down this evening
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

couldnt wait it has begun ....current stats 187lbs

standing belly 40.25"
standing sucked in 37.5
sitting 42
sitting sucked in 38.5
butt 40.5
upper leg 23.5
chest 43.5

took a short vid may post stills from it later dont know yet
1st pint down this evening

Will you update weekly? Very interested to see your progress!
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

prolly not weekly but i think i will update wed.already noticing getting a bit softer, haven't been on the scale but i accidently lied i was 189 before the first pint of heavy cream last wed. I typo sometimes, i have already went from my dehydraded low of (183) to my (current) weight of last wed to 189 just by eating to much regular food. like i said i was kinda starving myself....not by choice but because of my job since may. went from 207 in may to 183 in sep. also built a bit of muscle also. I have currently downed 4 quarts since wed. after tonight it will be 4.5 quarts dont know if i will do it tomorrow and tues or not, i like taking breaks but either way i will say when i give my update on wed.
also got some vids as i will post as stills after i edit backgrounds and face. took stills last wed. will do again this comeing.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

also noticing that my belly is sticking out a bit more threw my wasnt sticking out at all just a week ago.
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

also might add, ive had about 15 oz of hersheys chocolate surup also
2 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

i started on the heavy cream this last week. been doing cake mix + cream shakes before bed for 4 days now. no significant gains on the scale yet (which i expected) but was really surprised at how much softer i feel already, especially my lower belly. i cant stop touching it.

ive only been bloated after the shakes as im going to bed, not all day. but i do wake up absolutely starving every morning now.
2 years