
Introduction/ say hi thread

Good to have you here!
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Then this is a nice place to come to smiley
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey y'allsmiley

Hi there. 👋
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi. New here and to the whole wg thing. I have to say at the moment I'm more interested in the behavior that goes along with it than the weight itself though I'm certainly not against weight and my opinions could easily shift in time. By behavior I mean the slobbish aspects (gas etc.) don't know how common that is here (especially among women) but would love to talk to any who share the interest, if only to prove to myself that they exist.

PM if this interests you and I'm happy to reveal more. Also, of course, replies are welcome but I'm a little self-conscious and would prefer to reveal things in PM given my druthers. No big deal either way though.

Thanks. And I hope no one feels that I"m trying to hijack the board away from weight gain or something. Like I said I don't know where I'll fall on all that in the end. Just trying to explore.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread


Hope everyone is enjoying the festive period.

Been here for years but it's nice to say hello again every now n then
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hi all new here looking for friends ! message me !
Messaged ;-)
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

G'day everyone! I'm Joe and I am a gainer. I'm new to this community and I have a lot of things to learn here. I weigh currently around 125 lbs and my goal is 300-350 lbs ( Based on how I will feel in my new, fat body ). Feel free to message me with tips or information about gaining ( Or just some encouragement ^^ ).

See you! :-)
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hello I joined a few hours ago just seeing what's on here.
hello and welcome smiley
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hello hello from Austin TX
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

It is me, Dustie aka DustiePeppers aka Finally BBW Kissy aka Kissy the Amazon aka Ikissedagirl aka MaddiesMuffinTop. I’m not officially back as in I won’t be be sharing my gains or body here, because, well, I mean... why?

BUT! Recently the two actual real people I met in this site many years ago have brought up the fact that some people liked my old stories. So I thought, Well, I could just have a story centered profile, not that I’ve written anything recently, but I can at least reupload the old stuff and maybe come up with something new.

Problem is, like a smart person, I never saved anything.

So if you have any of my old material send me a message. Let’s get the fat positive work available to anyone who needs it and encourage everyone who needs encouragement.
5 years