
All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I like Star Wars (the original trilogy I stress!), Star Trek (though not to Trekkie standards). I am big fan of Dr Who, new and old, and yes I consider myself a Whovian (or should that be Whoover?)

12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm one. I think I'm more of hybrid creature myself. A nerdy athlete. I'm very content to sit down for hours like I did today and find play video games, like Skyrim and Mass Effect and then watch a Walking Dead marathon only to realize that I have to do my chemistry and physics homework. But then only just finish those because research on how to make my Magic decks better is very important.

However, I'm just as content to go through a two hour long intensive workout, jamming to AC/DC and Joe Satriani, and then go bowling (in a league) later that night. Only to wake up and play some football with my mates and/or spar with them in various martial arts. Then meditate and maybe write a little bit, see about taking up an instrument or learning another language.

So I'm not quite sure if I'm a nerd or not.
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

raises both hands and reason i love sci fi,horror,anime,reading , and 2 of my favorite movies are weird science followed by revenge of the nerds
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

Umh... I watch some anime, play boardgames and rpg's, own a bjd, love all things fantasy and have put on quite a few rpg/animeconventions. Do I qualify even I can't program more than Hello World with C++? smiley
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I study pharmaceutical biochemistry at college and I am a furry, so if that doesn´t make me a geek I don´t know what will XP
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

12 years
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