
Amazing gym girls...

Was at the gym tonight and saw an amazing women 'attempting' to work out is probably the best description.She was about 23/24 and 5ft 6 tall but must have been about 300lbs or possibly more. She was running on the teadmills and had a backside double the width of the seat on the rowing machine. Whilst on the bike her low hanging belly was constantly jiggled by her legs and she tried to fold her arms accross to stop it. It was amazing! Just wanted to go over give her a hug and tell her she was beautiful anyway! Anyone else have similar gym experiences? (Sorry if this is in the wrong thread!)
12 years

Amazing gym girls...

I have a deep hateret against classical gym. Just not my thing. Mostly due to all that 'evil-eyes', all pointing into direction of a 'puffy-fatso' smiley

To keep the flexibility and condition up, I mostly bike (which is individual sport) and swim in a local pool, that carries significant 'epithet' of a 'tropical paradise' =). You can imagine what that is. I have a year card and go whenever I want, if they're open.

Most of the time I go and swim for myself in a big pool (also individual). But they also offer aquajogging, aquarobic, aquazumba and aquabiking. Most of the ladies are smaller than me, but I am not the biggest either. They have that very cute trainer smiley, I call him AquaNazi as an open joke (in front of him) and he laughs a lot when I do it.

However - it comes up to the person itself. Although the trainer gives me quite hard time during the aquajogging sessions, he respects if I cannot follow through the whole exercise. And he is never rude about it. Even more: he has made relaxing routine for me to repeat when I cannot keep up.

That's why I always felt comfortable in that setting and kept going. Made all the difference to me. And swimming is also good because it doesn't hurt your ankles and doesn't lead to any unwanted weightloss that easy either.
12 years

Amazing gym girls...

i entirely agree miss otis, hope she does love her body the way it is. She did seem quite happy so this might be the case. Luckily the gym has personal trainers who are only their if requested - so it avoids the whole awkward situation. smiley
12 years