Lifestyle tips


It really is quite a tricky situation, the best way is to just try to get them to realise your happy with the way you are and that your other half has nothing to do with it, that it's a choice your making for you. LIke the others have said your sex life is none of their buisness so they don't need to know how involved he is in whats going on.

My issue is that I come from a family where my fathers side have a lot of weight problems and are trying to slim down. They see me and think that I am falling to the family curse as it were lol The idea of turning around to them and saying that actually I like the way I am and made myself this way when they are trying so hard to slim down absolutely petrifies me.

My mother just doesn't understand it either way, thankfully since I've moved out for uni she has had a lot less chances to whine at me for my weight, but I know when I go back for Christmas I'll be facing it all over again
12 years