
Shinedown/fave bands...

Sorry to start a potential music war but, I just got the Shinedown 'Somewhere in the Stratosphere' live album and I finally realized they are far more amazing than I ever knew.

I love these guys but, hearing them live and acoustic?

FXN AMAZING!!!! If you have no clue who they are, find them on youtube. the lyrics are amazing, the vocals are sent from heaven.... Brent Smith is one of the best vocalists out there today!!

I've been bragging on Shinedown for weeks now and figured I might as well talk about them here to! lol

Who are your #1 fave bands?
12 years

Shinedown/fave bands...

Im caught between 3 Bands but one is the lead singer for 2 of them . AFI, Slipknot and Stone Sour because of Corey Taylor. All 3 bands can make you wanna punch somebody in the face but in the next song they can make you feel like everything is going to be alright.
12 years

Shinedown/fave bands...

I best not forget 'Sick Puppies' and 'Weezer'

The Blue Album was, and always will be, amazing!
12 years