
I'm really pissed off...

i am literally talking to 3 girls near me, looking to date them... they are all chubby and GORGEOUS... but... they are all super insecure about their weight, even though i tell them i love them exactly the way they are. why can't i find a girl who is confident in who they are? cause i seriously wanna date a cute fatty!

Ugly ugly ugly insecurity.
12 years

I'm really pissed off...

There's people there who lack confidence in themselves and you aren't able to date a cute fatty out of those few you've found.

Truly, you're getting the short end of the stick in this matter.
12 years

I'm really pissed off...

I think what we're missing here is that if a girl doesnt have a feederism/fat fetish/preference it is very unlikely she will ever be okay with being fat, she will never be comfortable with you touching her belly and fat or enjoying her body the way you want to.
You can tell her shes gorgeous and perfect the way she is as many times as you want but when it comes down to it, she knows shes fat and shell never like it, she will always want to lose weight.
You just need to find a girl that already doesnt mind being fat or is a feedee.

I have always been very confident but before I 'discovered' my fat fetish and started gaining I would have freaked right out if a guy had of starting touching my belly in bed or something so I can only imagine what a fat girl that doesnt want to be fat would do !
12 years

I'm really pissed off...

I know insecurity is very unattractive, I can't think of any dating add that says insecurity is is desirable. However, the truth is we all feel insecure about something, you could empathise with these girls insecurities about their weight, by looking at your own.

I am generally a very confident person, but not all the time. At present, I am a bit insecure about my age, whilst I don't look, or act it, I am 50. A girl of about 20-22 hit on me the other day, when taking her home in my taxi. My initial thought was she wanted a cheap cab fare, but she had already paid. So what was I worried about? Well, it did seem a little odd to me that she said she finds older men attractive, what was her motive?

Now look at those girls, they probably think something simular. Why would a man find my fat attractive, when they have been bombarded with reasons as to why fat is ugly. Could it be that he thinks I will be an easy lay etc, etc.

In this day and age, anyone who has never had any insecuities is just arrogant.
12 years

I'm really pissed off...

Because you are one person telling her she is OK, and she probably has her friends and family and complete strangers telling her different. And that does not even count the media, her doctor, etc.
12 years