
Favorite dr. who companion?

Wilf will always be the best companion who never was.

I've seen a few older episodes, and I do like Sarah Jane out of the companions I've seen from before the new series, but Wilf will always stay in my mind as the best.
12 years

Favorite dr. who companion?

Murphy wrote:
Wilf will always be the best companion who never was.

He is classed as a Companion for one of his appearances and you cannot go wrong with a bit of Bernard Cribbins.

My favourite is probably Ace, but that maybe just because she replaced the annoying Bonnie Langford. If I was to watch them again I might discover she was rubbish but the seven to nine year old me was a fan.

Of the new ones it has to be Martha Jones, although I do like River Song as well, but it may have something to do with remembering Alex Kingston in The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders.
12 years

Favorite dr. who companion?

I haven't watched since David Tennant left...the newest guy just annoys me....

So, with that said, I bow out of this post....
12 years

Favorite dr. who companion?

My favourite doctor is matt smith as we lived in the same street as kids, made me laugh all the time but to see him and donna togever would be amazing as the pair of them would totally be hilarious, havnt seen much of the older dr who programs so cant comment, but the xmas special was awesome
12 years