
Weightgain through metabolism?

You could trick your metabolism into slowing down by a starvation mode, by fasting for say a week at a time every couple of months, then eat as much as can but later in the day before you go to bed. By starving yourself for short periods, your body will then try to retain as much nutrients & fat as it can, to store fat in case of another famine, do this a few times and you will really change your bodys metabolism patterns. My fiance does not eat during stressfull periods, but when she is happy she eats loads n loves her food, of course after a fasting period she always gains what she lost and a good bit more each time garunteed, tho I never complain about the after effects, (naughty me:-))
This is why diets always fail, same thing = a diet-fasting period, the body goes into starvation mode, then the inevitable falling off the wagon, then a falling inlove again with all the lovely grub you have been denying yourself and bingo extra extra sexy soft fluffy lucious glorious beautifull butterball goodness on your loved one - self.
12 years