
Currently reading...

85% or so through Stephen King's "Tower Aligned" novels. Reading Insomnia right now.
10 years

Currently reading...

Anyone you want me to be by John Douglas
10 years

Currently reading...

Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell
10 years

Currently reading...

Just reread some of the Ender quartet by Orson Scott Card.
10 years

Currently reading...

bibliophile wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
85% or so through Stephen King's "Tower Aligned" novels. Reading Insomnia right now.

Ooh. Good luck to you. I was making that journey, trying to read all related novels before moving onto the next book of the main Tower series. I made it most of the way through Insomnia before I hit critical mass and burnt out. :o

I'm reading The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton and Glue by Irvine Welsh.

I'm on the last Tower Aligned book (that I know of). The Regulators. (So far it's confusingly like Desperation, but it'll probably straighten itself out soon, other than that it's a good read)

Also, Insomnia's a good book. It goes through fast and slow spells, but I'd say the ending is worth it for its poignancy.
10 years

Currently reading...

Right now I'm reading Thinner. (Bachman/King).

I've been reading a lot of Stephen King lately.
10 years

Currently reading...

I've been trying to catch up on my sci-fi/fantasy reading. I just finished the Ender Quartet, and now I'm delving into the Sword of Truth series. About halfway through the first book, it's a pretty bog standard fantasy compared to the likes of ASoIaF or the Acts of Caine series (my two favs), but it's pleasantly gripping nonetheless.
10 years

Currently reading...

The Anatomy and Development of the Sports Prototype Racing Car by Ian Bamsey


am strange.
10 years

Currently reading...

Nowww, I'm re-reading King's Dark Tower Series. Finished book one the other day, about to start on book two.
10 years

Currently reading...

"Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman" - Richard P Feynman

Sooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood
10 years
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